Irvin L. Young Memorial Library Announces 2nd Phase of In-person Services Begins Mon., 6/29

The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library will begin adjusting services, starting June 29. The Library Board of
Trustees strongly supports allowing the Library Director to add in-person services in the Library in
phases, following CDC guidelines, the rules of the City and State, and in coordination with the Bridges
Library System to ensure the safety of staff and patrons. The guidelines for the second phase are as

Library Patrons are ENCOURAGED to wear a mask or other face covering when visiting the library.

Library Patrons MAY:

  1. Continue to get materials through curbside pickup service from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. MondayFriday. This will continue to be at the NORTH doors of the library on Center Street.
  2. Pick up holds inside the library.
  3. Use a computer for an hour without an appointment.
  4. Select their own library materials and check out inside the library.
  5. Continue to use our many digital services.
  6. Make a 1-hour appointment to use the Makerspace.

Library Patrons MUST: Keep 6 ft of physical distance between themselves and other patrons and/or library staff.

Phase Two In-Person Service Restrictions: Visitors may not stay at the library for more than one hour. All extra chairs have been temporarily removed to reinforce this restriction.

The Library reserves the right to change any of these procedures at any time in response to
changing conditions.

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