Presidents’ Day Holiday on Monday – No Mail [Updated]

Update 2/17 @ 12:35 p.m. – First Citizens State Bank is open on Monday. Associated Bank and PremierBank are closed for the holiday.

Monday, February 17 is a federal holiday; consequently, there will be no mail delivery. Some banks will also be closed.

From Wikipedia:

Presidents’ Day, officially Washington’s Birthday at the federal governmental level, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of February. It is often celebrated to honor all those who served as presidents of the United States and, since 1879, has been the federal holiday honoring Founding Father George Washington, who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War, presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was the first U.S. president.[1]

The day is an official state holiday in most states, with names including Washington’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, President’s Day, Presidents Day, and Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday.[2] The various states use 15 different names. Depending upon the specific law, the state holiday may officially celebrate Washington alone, Washington and Abraham Lincoln, or some other combination of U.S. presidents (such as Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who was born in April).[2]

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 (N.S.). Washington’s Birthday was celebrated on this date from 1879 until 1970. To give federal employees a three-day weekend, in 1968 the Uniform Monday Holiday Act moved it to the third Monday in February.[3] The day soon became known as Presidents(‘) Day[4] (the presence and placement of the apostrophe varies) and provides an occasion to remember all the U.S. presidents, to honor Abraham Lincoln‘s and Washington’s birthdays together, or any single president of choice.[2]

As many states and cities followed suit, some states that had been celebrating Lincoln’s birthday on February 12 combined the two into Presidents Day. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, preserved the Unionabolished slavery, bolstered the federal government, and modernized the U.S. economy.

Editor’s note: The Banner appreciates having permission to use the image on the homepage by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay.

Walworth County Residents Warned of Jury Duty Scam

Clerk of Circuit Court Warns Walworth County Residents of Jury Duty Scam

Walworth County Clerk of Circuit Court Michele Jacobs is alerting residents about a telephone scam that recently defrauded a local woman of $2,000.

The woman reported that she was contacted by an individual claiming to be a Walworth County Sheriff’s Deputy. The caller falsely stated that she had failed to report for jury service and needed to pay a $2,000 fine immediately to avoid arrest. The scammers then instructed her to wire them money. After she complied, they called again, claiming they spoke with the clerk, confirmed that her fine had increased, and demanded additional funds.

“These calls are fraudulent and should be ignored,” said Jacobs. “The Clerk of Circuit Court’s office will never call and demand immediate payment for a jury duty-related fine. Official jury summonses and failure-to-appear notices are sent via first-class mail. Court officials and officers do not make phone calls to threaten arrest or demand payments.”

Residents who receive such calls and are unsure of their legitimacy should hang up immediately and contact the Clerk of Circuit Court’s office at 262-741-7012.

Individuals summoned for jury duty first receive a questionnaire by U.S. mail, followed by a summons with instructions on how and when to report. Those who fail to complete and return their questionnaire, or who fail to appear for jury duty, will receive a written notification of their failure to comply, which may include notification of a hearing scheduled before a judge. But they will never receive a phone call demanding money. The Clerk of Circuit Court’s office may issue a fine for failure to appear, but notification will always be sent via an official letter.

For more information about the Clerk of Circuit Court’s office and the Walworth County Circuit Court system, visit

Primary Election on Tues.: City residents have only one race; Town of Richmond has three (Updated)

Updated 2/17/25 @ 1:33 p.m.: Absentee ballots must be received by Tuesday at 8 p.m. Voters wishing to deliver an absentee ballot on Tuesday must bring it to the Community Room on the first floor of the Municipal Building, 312 W. Whitewater St.

The primary that will be held this Tuesday, February 16 for the spring election has a very short ballot in the city of Whitewater: three candidates will be vying for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Voters may cast a ballot for one of the following:
Jeff Wright
Brittany Kinser
Jill Underly (Incumbent)

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. A photo ID is required. Same-day registration is available. Proof of residence is required, and the voter must have lived in the residence for at least the previous 28 days.

Anyone may enter their address at this website to confirm the races on their ballot and their polling place. The city will have two polling places, the Downtown Armory and the University Center on the UW-Whitewater campus. Town of Richmond residents may find their ballot at this website.

Candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction were given the opportunity to respond to several questions; two of the candidates responded. Their responses may be found on this website when your address is entered and the race is chosen.

Town of Richmond
Richmond residents will have two additional races on their ballot: a primary for two Town Board Supervisor seats.

Supervisor 1 (Vote for one)
Joe Staller
Rob Chelminiak
Paul J. McGraw
Carl Redenius

Supervisor 2 (Vote for one)
Donald R. Sparks
Rob Chelminiak
Larry Gard

City is Hosting Four Information Sessions on April 1 Police/Fire/EMS Referendum


Sessions will provide public an opportunity to hear from Police, Fire, City officials and ask questions

The City of Whitewater announced it will host four public information sessions regarding the upcoming police and fire/EMS referendum that will appear on spring election ballots on April 1, 2025. The first two meetings will be hosted both in-person and virtually. The other meetings will be in-person only.

“The City of Whitewater has identified a need to add additional, full-time personnel to its Police and Fire departments,” said City Manager, John Wiedl. “These information sessions will allow us to share information and communicate the need for increased funding and additional Police and Fire staff with the greater Whitewater community.” 

To accommodate as many City of Whitewater residents as possible, informational sessions will be held on four different days at a variety of locations:

  • Tuesday, February 18 at 5:00 p.m. at the Whitewater Municipal Building – 312 W. Whitewater St.
    You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
    Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:
    Phone one-tap:
    +13126266799,,83835051789#,,,,*344797# US (Chicago)
    +16469313860,,83835051789#,,,,*344797# US
    Join via audio:
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    Webinar ID: 838 3505 1789
    Passcode: 344797
  • Tuesday, March 11 at 5:30 p.m. at the Whitewater Municipal Building – 312 W Whitewater St.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar!


Phone one-tap:

+13092053325,,84951123016#,,,,*322958# US

+13126266799,,84951123016#,,,,*322958# US (Chicago)

Join via audio:

+1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID: 849 5112 3016

Passcode: 322958

  • Thursday, March 13 at 1:00 p.m. at the Whitewater Senior Center – 504 W Starin Rd. 
  • Monday, March 17 at 9:30 a.m. at the Whitewater University Innovation Center – 1221 Innovation Dr.

Spanish interpretation will be available at all information sessions. Recordings of the February 18 and March 11 information sessions will be published on the City’s website, and will include Spanish captions.

Information sessions will include a presentation, along with an opportunity for a “question and answer” discussion for residents with City Manager John Wiedl, Police Chief Dan Meyer, Fire & EMS Chief Kelly Freeman, and Assistant Fire & EMS Chief Ryan Dion.

More information about the upcoming referendum is available on the City’s website

Editor’s note: The above press release was provided by the City of Whitewater.

Cold Weather Advisory 12 AM Mon. – 11 AM Mon.

The National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan Weather Forecast Office has issued a Cold Weather Advisory beginning at midnight tonight (Sunday) until 11 am Monday for wind chill values of 17 below to 27 below zero. They indicate “Artic air invades southern WI tonight on northwest winds and remains over the area into the middle of the week.” They add that another Cold Weather Advisory will probably be added for Monday evening through Tuesday morning.  

This Week’s City Meetings [Updated]

Updated 2/17/25 @ 1:11 p.m. to add virtual access info to the Tuesday public information session regarding the Police/Fire/EMS referendum.

City of Whitewater Finance Committee Meeting – Monday @ 4:00 p.m.
Cravath Lakefront room 2nd floor, 312 West Whitewater St
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:
Phone one-tap:
+13052241968,,85698998657# US
+13092053325,,85698998657# US
Join via audio:
+1 312 626 6799 US
Webinar ID: 856 9899 8657

City of Whitewater Police and Fire Commission – Monday @ 6:00 p.m.
Agenda includes Whitewater Professional Police Association and Whitewater Professional Police Supervisor Association Residency Update
Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room,
312 West Whitewater St.
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 685-218-381
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412

Irvin L. Young Memorial Library Board of Trustees – Monday @ 6:30 p.m.
Cravath Lakefront Conference Room
312 W Whitewater St.
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 871 1198 7021
Passcode: py9dnCVA
Telephone: +1 (312) 626-6799 US

City of Whitewater Police & Fire/EMS Referendum Public Information Session -Tuesday @ 5:00 p.m.
Whitewater Municipal Building, 2nd Floor, Cravath Lakefront Room, 312 W Whitewater St.
*In Person and Virtual
You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:
Phone one-tap:
+13126266799,,83835051789#,,,,*344797# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,83835051789#,,,,*344797# US
Join via audio:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Webinar ID: 838 3505 1789
Passcode: 344797

City of Whitewater Parks and Recreation Board – Wednesday @ 5:30 p.m.
Agenda includes Discussion and possible action on potential agreement with Whitewater Youth Soccer Club for the use of Moraine View Park, Discussion and possible action on WAFC Corporate Membership Policy, Discussion and Possible action approving WAFC Family Membership Policy.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 0561 1800
Passcode: 690300 —
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,83205611800#,,,,*690300# US (Chicago)

City of Whitewater Common Council – Thursday @ 6:30 p.m. [Change of regular meeting date due to the election.] 312 West Whitewater St., Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room
*In Person and Virtual
Agenda includes Analysis of Whitewater’s Development Incentives, Strategic Use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to Support Housing Development in Whitewater,
Ordinance 2025-O-9 an ordinance amending the zoning map and the zoning classification in regard to certain properties in the City of Whitewater. 1551 and 1555 W Wildwood Lane Tax Parcel # /EV 00004. 1515 W Wildwood Road Tax Parcel # /EV0004. Vacant Parcel on Cedar Court Tax Parcel # /EV 00002-
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Please click the link below to
Telephone: +1 (312) 626-6799 US
Webinar ID: 883 1213 5431
Passcode: 650398

New Downtown Business Hosts Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting

Mariah Lohf

Pilates Reformed, new addition to downtown Whitewater is set to open its doors with a celebratory Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Monday, February 17, 2025, starting at 11:00 AM. The event will be held at 131 W Center Street, welcoming community members to meet the owner, explore the new space, and experience firsthand the transformative benefits of Pilates.

The festivities will begin with an 11:00 AM Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, followed by an opportunity to partake in a mini class and demonstration at 11:15 AM focused on introducing attendees to the Reformer, a key piece of equipment in Pilates designed to enhance strength, flexibility, and mobility.

The studio is the passion project of Mariah Lohf, a proud University of Wisconsin-Whitewater alumna who graduated in 2015 with a degree in Human Resources. After years in the corporate world and the life-changing experience of becoming a mother in 2023, Mariah discovered Pilates as an ideal fitness solution for her postpartum journey. This new wellness approach transformed her life and inspired positive changes among her friends and family, igniting her passion to help others through movement.

“Fitness looked different for me as a mom, and Pilates offered a way to strengthen both my body and mind,” Mariah shares. “Seeing the benefits in my own life and in the lives of those around me motivated me to create a space where others could experience the same transformation.”

Mariah’s studio offers Reformer Pilates, with customized programs tailored to individual goals. Whether clients are seeking improved flexibility, enhanced muscle tone, or rehabilitation support after an injury, Pilates provides versatile benefits. The Reformer, in particular, uses adjustable springs to modify resistance, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels and mobility ranges. Clients who have experience with mat Pilates will find new challenges (and results) taking mat principles onto the Reformer.

Athletes will also find Pilates beneficial for skill-specific training, such as improving jump performance and enhancing core strength.

Mariah’s deep ties to Whitewater, from her time at UW-Whitewater to her continuing role as a sorority advisor, reflect her commitment to fostering human connections within the community. Her new studio is more than just a fitness center—it’s a welcoming space where people can strengthen both their bodies and their sense of belonging.

Join us on February 17 to celebrate this exciting new venture in downtown Whitewater. Experience the difference Pilates can make in your life!

UW-W Presents Public Lectures in Whitewater, Janesville

Members of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty will present free lectures in Whitewater and Janesville this spring. Lectures will be held from February through April and are open to all.

For more than 40 years, UW-Whitewater’s Continuing Education has hosted lectures in the Fairhaven Lecture Series in Whitewater. The Cedar Crest Lecture Series in Janesville started in 2020. From artists to advocates, basketball to business, the lectures will explore a wide variety of topics.

Lectures in the Fairhaven Lecture Series are held in Olm Fellowship Hall at Fairhaven Senior Services, 435 West Starin Road, Whitewater. They will be recorded and posted to the UWW Continuing Education website and YouTube channel. Videos of lectures from this and previous series can be accessed for free any time after they are posted. Visit for more information and descriptions of each lecture.

Public lectures held in the Cedar Crest Lecture Series will take place in the Clubhouse at Cedar Crest, Inc., 1702 South River Road, Janesville. Free parking is available and registration is not required. Visit our website at for lecture descriptions and updates.

Patrons needing accommodations should contact UW-Whitewater Continuing Education (at least two weeks before the date of the lecture). Requests are confidential. UW-Whitewater provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA.

Please contact Kari Borne at or 262-472-1003 for further information.

Lectures scheduled for Mondays at 3 p.m. at Fairhaven Senior Services, 435 W Starin Road, in Whitewater include: 

February 17

“Movements are Born of Critical Connections Rather Than Critical Mass”: The Activism of Grace Lee Boggs

Ashley Barnes-Gilbert, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies

February 24

The State of Women Representation in Business: Challenges, Equity, and Pathways to Progress

Rashiqa Kamal, Professor, Finance

March 17

Edna Ferber: Middlebrow Author, Copyright Pioneer

Erica Moulton, Assistant Professor, Literature, Writing & Film

March 24

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Ashley Dimmig, Director, Crossman Gallery

March 31

Women and the American Philanthropic Tradition

Ruth Hansen, Associate Professor, Management

April 7

Revolution, Rights, and Women’s Activism: Olympe de Gouge

Kimberly Nath, Associate Professor and Chair, History

April 14

Landscape of College Athletics and Women in Sport

Keri Carollo, Head Coach, Warhawk Women’s Basketball

Lectures scheduled for Tuesdays at 2 p.m. at Cedar Crest Retirement Community, 1702 S. River Rd., in Janesville include: 

March 25

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Ashley Dimmig, Director, Crossman Gallery

April 1

Where Do My E-Commerce Packages Come From?

Jay Zhang, Assistant Professor, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management

April 8

Women of the Air: American Women Pilots in World War II

Elizabeth Jozwiak, Associate Professor, History

April 15

From Whitewater to Janesville and Beyond: Boldly Inspiring, Engaging, and Transforming Pathways Forward

Corey A. King, Chancellor, UW-Whitewater

About UW-Whitewater

At the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater we inspire, engage and transform lives. Our higher education mission began more than 150 years ago — and we now serve more than 11,000 students at our Whitewater and Rock County campuses, 90% of whom stay in the region after earning their degree.  The Warhawk family — led by caring faculty and staff — is devoted to student success within a broad range of academic programs. One of only four Public Colleges of Distinction in the state, the University boasts small class sizes (20:1 ratio), is ranked one of the top 10 public colleges by the U.S. New & World Report, and is the top-ranked college in the state for serving students with disabilities. Continuing Education is committed to meeting the lifelong learning needs of the residents of our region in offering a variety of classes, workshops and trainings that respond to the changing personal and professional interests of adult learners by connecting the University and community. 

Students Tackle Global Issues at Model UN Conference in Chicago

From Thursday, February 6th through Sunday, February 9th, more than 3.000 high school students from nearly 100 schools across the country and worldwide represented the member states of the United Nations. We had a small delegation two years ago that attended Model UN. This year was an average year for attendance at 16. 

We tried to get all of our delegates together for a group photo at the conference, but our committees were staggered due to the size of the conference. (L-R) Maya Davis, Alice Aubry, Falyn Krahn, Makayla Bazeley, Carley Boudreau, Jaylynn Traxler, Ava Alvarado, Ameera Lin, Cyrus Hudec

The Model United Nations of the University of Chicago [MUNUC] is staffed entirely by students and alumni from the University of Chicago. It is one of the largest high school conferences in the country and is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious.

Since its founding in 1988, MUNUC’s purpose has been:

  • To educate high school students in the arts of debate, negotiation, and public speaking by providing a forum in which they can hone their skills.
  • To introduce students to the fascinating realities and complexities of international relations through simulation of international organizations.
  • To foster the next generation of global citizens capable of evaluating and formulating solutions to the world’s most urgent challenges.

This photo of our entire delegation was taken at Gino’s East restaurant in Chicago. Back Row: Aridna Gonzalez Cervantez, Aimee Servin, Mr. Stewart. Falyn Krahn, Ava Alvarado, Makayla Bazeley, Maya Davis, Carley Boudreau, Alice Aubry, Ameera Lin, Ms. Blain

Front Row: Stephanie Wence, Jackie Franco, Liz Servin, Cyrus Hudec, Jaylynn Traxler

Center (On the floor): Narek Keshishyan

On Saturday evening, students enjoyed pizza at Gino’s East, and they used whiteout to write their names on the walls of the restaurant. This is a tradition that the Whitewater High School delegations have participated in since the first MUNUC conference in 1999.

Article and Photos Submitted by Greg Stewart
Whitewater High School Model UN Advisor

#FlashbackFriday: Zamorski Cartage Company – 1955

It’s time once again for #FlashbackFriday with the Whitewater Historical Society.

Continuing our series of mid-20th century business photos, this image is from 1955 and shows the Zamorski Cartage Company building. Albert Zamorski ran this trucking service that specialized in milk hauling. In 1952, it was reported that he purchased four new refrigerated trucks to haul milk and cream between Whitewater and other large cities like Milwaukee and Chicago. Milk haulers were part of the industrial dairy era of the mid-20th century.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society.

(6080P, Whitewater Historical Society)