Early City Motto "The Banner Inland City of the Midwest"
The Banner has been serving Whitewater, Wisconsin since August 1, 2006

Today is Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Local Students Named to Ripon College Dean’s List

August 14, 2020

RIPON, WI (08/10/2020)– Ripon College has announced its Dean’s List for the spring 2020 semester, recognizing academic excellence. To qualify for the Dean’s List at Ripon College, students must achieve a 3.40 grade point average or higher on a 4.00 scale and complete at least 12 credits of regular letter-graded work.

Clarice Bergman of Whitewater, Wisconsin

Jacob Zuehlke of Whitewater, Wisconsin

Ripon College, founded in 1851, is Wisconsin’s best-value private college and a national leader in liberal arts education, devoted to ensuring every student realizes their unique potential. Ninety-six percent of alumni are employed, in graduate school or student-teaching within six months. In recognition of its academic excellence, the college was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1953, placing it among a select group of the nation’s top colleges. Ripon has the highest earning graduates in Wisconsin, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s College Scorecard. Ripon ranks first in Wisconsin and third in the Midwest on Washington Monthly’s list of “Best Bang for the Buck” colleges. The College has the highest minority graduation rate in the nation. Ripon is consistently recognized as a “Best Value” and “Best 383 College” by The Princeton Review and a Top Tier National Liberal Arts College by U.S. News & World Report. For more information about Ripon College, visit ripon.edu.

WUSD Press Release: School Board Approves Instructional Plan

August 12, 2020

WHITEWATER, WI, August 11 — At its meeting Monday night, the School Board of the Whitewater Unified School
District (WUSD) voted to approve the district’s Fall Instructional Plan. As a result, students will engage
in a combination of in-person and virtual learning starting Tuesday, September 1.
The district will begin the school school year in Phase I, which means students in grades K-5 will take
part in virtual learning with a rotating schedule of small-group in-person classes. Students in grades
6-12 will participate in an orientation-to-schools day with virtual learning follow-up instruction.
Prekindergarten students will learn in small-group in-person classes on two half-days each week.

“We are pleased to move forward with what we believe is a sound plan for approaching the upcoming
school year and all of the uncertainties associated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
teaching and learning,” said Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, WUSD District Administrator. “While we know that
not everyone will agree with every decision we make, we will continue to work to minimize risks for
students and staff while providing a high-quality educational experience to all of our students.”

The district also will offer an all-virtual option for families who cannot or do not yet feel comfortable
having their children attend school in person at this time.

To help students and families gain a greater understanding of the virtual platforms that will be used for
teaching and learning this school year, WUSD will hold training sessions on Tuesday, August 18 in the
Whitewater High School auditorium. A Seesaw training for parents of students in grades 4K-5 will start
at 6:30 p.m., while a Google Classroom training for grades 6-12 will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The district will also provide a Spanish-facilitated version of the presentations on Wednesday, August 26 at 7 p.m. in the Whitewater High School Library Media Center.

Banner note: The following fact sheet which provides an overview of the Fall Instruction Plan was referenced in the press release, though not part of it. We found it to be helpful.

Downtown Whitewater, Inc. and the Classroom to Community Connection

August 11, 2020

Submitted by Rob Boostrom, Board Vice President for Downtown Whitewater, Inc. and Associate Professor of Marketing for UW-Whitewater

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is obviously a big part of our community. Yet, often, it seems that the students don’t see much of the town and sometimes don’t feel like they’re part of it. To help bridge the gap between the students and the town, Downtown Whitewater is beginning its Classroom to Community Connection program.

To be sure, this isn’t the only effort in this area. The university’s own Community-Based Learning (CBL) program has been guiding faculty and staff to create really wonderful programs to meet the needs of area businesses and organizations for a while now. They offer many tools for connecting students to community members and Downtown Whitewater, Inc. continues to be a proud partner with this program. You can find out more here: https://www.uww.edu/ce/cbl.

That said, we feel there are two ways that Downtown Whitewater might help facilitate additional connection. First, we want to continue working with businesses and organizations to connect them to opportunities to work with students via the CBL program. We hope to act as a kind of matchmaker for organizations and instructors who want to take part in that process. Second, some instructors might be interested in trying something less comprehensive than the CBL process. We would like to help those instructors find community partners that might add to the classroom environment in a smaller way.

As such, we are now asking businesses and non-profit organizations to describe up to three different problems that might be addressed in some way by student projects. These should be projects which require the application of some expertise and the output would be some kind of strategic plan, tactical recommendations, or creative work. The problem doesn’t need to be extremely specific or lengthy but should communicate the expected area of expertise that will need to be applied.

For businesses or organizations who are just interested in connecting to students, your problem or interest area might be hypothetical. Consider asking a radical question about how something could be promoted or how a resource might be applied. This can be a way to either get help with a real problem or just connect to students from a particular class in a new way to raise awareness.

We are also asking instructors to provide a brief description of the kind of inputs you’d need (like participation of the business owner) and the outputs a client might expect (such as a plan, presentation, or creative materials). Descriptions generally would only need to be a few sentences long to communicate the basics of what is required.

For businesses, organizations, or instructors that would like to find a partner, please contact Downtown Whitewater’s President, Lisa Dawsey Smith, at ldawsey06@gmail.com. Provide either the description of what you’d like a class to help you with, or if you’re an instructor, the description of what you’d need from a partner and what you’d provide. We’ll be collecting these until August 20th. We plan to have all match suggestions sent out by August 28th.

School Board Extends Initial Reopening Plan to Sept. 25; Tentatively Plans to Resume In-Person Instruction on Sept. 28 (Revised and updated)

August 10, 2020

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner staff

In a 3 hour meeting on August 10, the Whitewater Unified School District School Board extended the reopening plan that it approved in its July 27 meeting for another two weeks, ending on September 25. The motion was passed 6-1, with Jennifer Kienbaum dissenting. Under the plan, 1/4 of the elementary students will each attend in-person learning with cohorts of four to eight students on the days of Tuesday – Friday from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. 4K students will be in school two mornings or afternoons per week. Middle School and High School students will only attend a single orientation session during the first week of September, and then be online for the rest of the month. Special arrangements will be made as needed for ELL students, those who are at risk, and those who are unengaged by online learning. 

The board also voted that at a special meeting on September 14, depending upon the status of COVID in the area and the schools, they hope to affirm that the schools will be returning to fulltime in-person instruction as of September 28. (Note: the Banner story initially said “regular meeting.”)

Before making the decision, the board heard from the epidemiologist with the Jefferson County Health Department, who explained his rationale in recommending that school districts not return to in-person education until the 14-day positivity rate of COVID-19 testing is below 8%. Pam Streich, Educational Consultant with Jefferson County, clarified that the county does not have the authority to close a school; they may only make recommendations. They look at not only the positivity rate, but also the hospitalization rate, the community spread, whether the trend is up or down, and other factors. District Administrator Caroline Pate-Hefty indicated that the district is computing a positivity rate that utilizes the rates for Jefferson, Rock, and Walworth counties, adjusted for the percentage of the students who reside in each of the counties. That rate is currently 8.2%.

Dr. Pate-Hefty indicated that 658 students have registered thus far, out of an expected enrollment of approximately 1900. 22% of the enrollments have selected the virtual model. Parents will be able to change the model of choice for their student(s) at the end of each quarter of the school year.

The board adopted a policy that any students who are exempt from the requirement to wear a face mask will be encouraged to wear a face shield. (Note: the Banner story initially said “required.”) Members also voted to utilitze as a guiding document the Jefferson County Health Department metrix, retitled the “Jefferson Health Department Reopening County Schools and Addressing the Spread of COVID-19” plan which was just released on August 10.

Welcome Warhawks Campaign

August 4, 2020

WHITEWATER, WIS – The Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce along with the City of
Whitewater, the Whitewater Marketing Alliance, the Tourism Council, Downtown Whitewater,
and the Greater Whitewater Committee want to support the university in its efforts to ensure that
the university students feel safe and welcome upon their return to campus and to Whitewater!
We would like YOUR help in creating a warm and welcoming environment as the university
students return for their fall semester. We have Welcome Warhawks yard signs that we are
inviting local residents to put in their front yards, and local businesses to hang in their storefront
windows or put out in front of their businesses. While starting or returning to college in a new
town away from the comforts of home can be scary, this year is particularly challenging. Let’s
showcase the warm and friendly nature of Whitewater and welcome the students with open arms
in the best social distanced way we can!

We want to paint the town purple during the move-in period, August 21st through September
2nd, to show the students they are an important part of the Whitewater family. The signs are
available now and can be picked up at the chamber offices, 150 W. Main Street, Monday – Friday, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

WUSD Announces Initial Plan for 2020-21 School Year – September 1 through September 11

July 31, 2020

UW-W Fall Sports – Football, Cross Country, Women’s Soccer, Women’s Volleyball – Canceled per Yesterday’s WIAC Decision (UPDATED)

July 28, 2020

Message from Chancellor Watson on Fall Athletics

Dear Warhawks,

On Monday, I, along with the other chancellors in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC), held a meeting to vote on conference competition for the Fall of 2020. The decision was made that there will be no conference competition and championships for the 2020-2021 academic year for football, women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and men’s and women’s cross country. Universities will retain the autonomy to establish practice opportunities within the limitations stipulated by the NCAA throughout the 2020-21 academic year.

A decision on the future winter sports will be made at a later date.

Please find WIAC Commissioner Danielle Harris’ statement here.

The WIAC Chancellors all agreed that keeping our student athletes and our coaches and staff safe is what matters most. The health and safety of our community members is the first of our guiding principles at UW-Whitewater, and this decision falls in line with those principles.

The WIAC member chancellors did not believe it was prudent to continue competition if we could not test student athletes regularly. The close contact of these sports makes it extremely difficult to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The WIAC member universities simply do not have the capacity to test student athletes, coaches and staff with enough regularity to keep them safe during practice and competition.

I know this is disappointing news for many on our campus and beyond. The Warhawk fan base is national, and it simply won’t feel like fall without our teams in action. I join the legions who are saddened by this news. Yet, it is the right decision.

Our student athletes will have questions, and Athletic Director Ryan Callahan and the coaches will be available to answer them.  

Athletic Director Callahan and our talented team of coaches will work hard to engage our student athletes in safe activities that allow them to continue to build relationships with team members and continue to develop as athletes. Athletics is planning a student athlete town hall on Aug. 6. Additional information will be communicated as it is made available.

This decision may have you questioning our return-to-campus plans. Please understand that athletic competition is much different than a classroom situation, where face coverings can be used and social distancing can be maintained. We continue our efforts to mitigate potential exposure on campus for our students, faculty and staff. This decision does not impact those efforts, and we will to return to classes as planned on Sept. 2, 2020.

Warhawk Athletics is powered by tradition and has a storied history of excellence that will not change because of this decision. There is a sense of loss that accompanies this decision, but nothing can change the pride that we have for Warhawk Athletics.

Dr. Dwight C. Watson

Additional Press Release from UW-W:

The Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference has released its “Return to Play” plan for the 2020-21 academic year.

The WIAC has canceled conference seasons and championships in football, women’s soccer, volleyball and men’s and women’s cross country. Institutions will be permitted to conduct practices/training sessions within the limitations stipulated by the NCAA throughout the 2020-21 academic year.

League discussions will continue regarding plans to conduct a predetermined, limited number of contests against outside competition in football, women’s soccer and volleyball during the 2021 spring semester.

The WIAC has suspended competition for women’s tennis and golf. Conference seasons and championships in those sports will be moved to the spring semester. Institutions will be permitted to conduct practices within the limitations stipulated by the NCAA during the fall semester.

“I am proud of the conference and our fellow member institutions for putting together a plan to return to play as soon and as safely as possible,” Interim Athletic Director Ryan Callahan said. “While I’m disappointed that our teams won’t be able to compete this fall, I’m confident in the abilities of our head coaches and support staff to create an atmosphere of learning and growth with our teams through other opportunities during the fall semester.

“As has been the case throughout this process, the health and well-being of our student-athletes and staff will be at the forefront of discussions moving forward.”

A decision on the winter sports season will be determined at a later date.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Department of Intercollegiate Athletics will post a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page no later than Tuesday, August 4.

A virtual Town Hall Meeting with department administrators will take place Thursday, August 6, at a time to be determined. It will be announced on uwwsports.com and the Warhawks’ social media channels.

To submit a question to the UW-Whitewater athletic department, click here.

Upcoming Virtual City Meetings: Week of July 27 -July 31 (UPDATE: WUSD Bd on Wed.)

July 27, 2020
City of Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission - via go to meeting online or by phone: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 470-050-157 -Monday at 4:30 p.m. -  - More information 
Whitewater United School District School Board - via Zoom online - Passcode: 346754 or by phone: 1-312-626-6799- Webinar ID: 852 2829 6363- Passcode: 346754 -Includes fall instruction plan, unaudited financial statements for 2019-20 year.  More information - click on "meetings" in upper right corner.  Monday at 7:00 p.m.
City of Whitewater Finance Committee - via go to meeting online       Phone: 1 (646) 749-3122  Access Code: 803-626-381 - includes budget calendar, routes to recovery grant funding.  More information - Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.  
Whitewater Unified School District School Board - via zoom online -   Passcode 734493 Phone: 1-312-626-6799- Webinar ID: 856 4731 5478 - Passcode: 734493- Includes unaudited financial statements for 2019-20 fiscal year. More information -  click on "meetings" in upper right corner. Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  (Note:  Closed session begins at 6:15 p.m. - for separate login info click on "more information" above.)


Obituary: Martin Jack Martinelli, 64

Martin Jack Martinelli – a devoted man of God and a beacon of love for his family, affectionately known for his kind, tender, and rock n’ roll personality – joined his family in Heaven on Thursday, September 26, 2024, in the arms of his devoted bride, Clarissa. Compassionate and humble, with a contagious smile and infectious laugh, Martin was a good, gentle man, who turned heads every time he talked. Martin’s legacy of kindness and spiritual strength will forever inspire us, and he will be greatly missed by all that knew and loved him. Born on September 13, 1960, in … Read more

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Obituary: Dorothy Diane Saylor, 84, of Texas

December 28, 1939 – September 16, 2024 Dorothy Diane Duffin Saylor, “Duffy,” passed away on the evening of September 16, 2024, in Shavano Park, Texas. She was 84. She had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the last several years. Duffy was born in December 1939, in Whitewater, Wisconsin to a farmer and his wife, Laurel and Winifred Duffin. She was their fourth child and the only girl in a family with four brothers. Tommy died in childhood, and the other three, John, David, and Doug, preceded her in death. Duffy graduated from Whitewater High School in 1957 and attended the … Read more

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Obituary: Patricia Sue Cruse, 74

Patricia Sue Cruse, 74, Whitewater, passed away on Monday, September 30, 2024. Pat was born on June 11, 1950 in Chicago, IL to Raymond and Mary (Ziliak) Foote. She graduated from York High School in Elmhurst, IL and from UW-Whitewater with a Bachelor of Science and a Master’s degree in Elementary Counseling. She started her career as a teacher and elementary counselor in the Mukwonago school district. Pat met Randy Cruse at a fraternity party and quickly knew they would spend their lives together. They married on January 23, 1971. Six months later, together, they took a risk and opened … Read more

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Obituary: Mrs. Susan Mary Gebhardt-Schweitzer, 88

Mrs. Susan Mary Gebhardt-Schweitzer, 88, Whitewater, Wisconsin passed away on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Fairhaven Residential Facility. Susan was born on August 22, 1936 in Racine, Wisconsin to the parents F. Don & Georgia Gebhardt. Susan attended William Horlick High School and graduated in 1955. Susan married Thomas J. Larsen in Racine on June 29, 1957 before moving to Cicero, Illinois and having 3 children, Thomas, Steven, and Linda. During her time in Illinois, Susan became an EMT working in the emergency room at Alexian Brothers Medical Center. Later in life, Susan met Edward Joseph Schweitzer and they … Read more

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Obituary: Richard H. Grandt, 88, of Amery, WI

RICHARD H. GRANDT, age 88, of Amery, WI died Saturday, September 21, 2024, at RegionsHospital in St. Paul surrounded by his loving family. He suffered a fall at home on Tuesday resulting in a severely broken back with extended health complications. He was born June 2, 1936, in Will County, Illinois the son of the late George H. and Elsie (Rowoldt) Grandt. Rich married Rose M. Dempsey on June 15, 1957, and they raised 3 children in the Whitewater, WI area. He graduated from Whitewater College High School in 1955 where he excelled in athletics, lettering in four sports. In … Read more

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Obituary: Barbara Saladin, 87, of Dousman

Barbara L. Saladin, 87, of Dousman passed away on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at Angels Grace in Oconomowoc surrounded by her loving family. Barbara was born on August 24, 1937 to Edith Doxtator.  She married Richard Laing and together they had two daughters.  They were wed until his passing in 1987.  Barbara retired from the Crestwood Bakery in West Allis.  After retirement, Barbara continued to decorate cakes for bakeries.  Barbara remarried to Joe Saladin until his passing in 2015. She was a singer with the Oneida Singers. Barbara enjoyed singing especially Oneida songs, baking Christmas cookies, and most of all … Read more

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Obituary: Rosemary “Rose” Ann Schuenke (Hansen), 73

Rosemary “Rose” Ann Schuenke (Hansen), age 73, of Whitewater passed away on September 14, 2024 at her residence. Rosemary was born on May 14, 1951 in Milwaukee to Eugene and Shirley (nee Unke) Hansen. Rose married Richard R. Schuenke on August 23, 1969 in Milwaukee. Rose spent the majority of her life working in assisted living or food service jobs with her favorite job being George Webb. Rose enjoyed going to local diners on a regular basis and chatting with the waitresses making new friends. She looked forward to the yearly family gathering where she got to see all her … Read more

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Obituary: Richard Lee “Dick” Moyse, 81

Richard Lee “Dick” Moyse, 81, of Whitewater passed away on September 14, 2024. Richard was the first-born son of Earle J.H. and Alice Fern (Talbert) Moyse. He grew up on the family farm in Cold Spring. Dick graduated from Whitewater High School in 1961 and WSU Whitewater in 1969. His college education was paused by his service in the United States Navy. He met Bonnie Albers, a fellow WSU Whitewater student in the fall of 1969. They married on November 28, 1970. Dick combined mechanical/electrical skills learned from Pop on the farm with a degree in Physics. He held several … Read more

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Obituary: Jessica L. “Jessie” Kowalski, 42, of Milwaukee

Jessica L. “Jessie” Kowalski, 42 of Milwaukee passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Jessie was born on September 13, 1981 to Edwin and Ruth (Mach) Kowalski. She grew up and lived in the Whitewater area most of her life and attended Whitewater schools. Jessie furthered her education through MATC where she earned her CNA and she enjoyed working with her clients through assisted living centers. She enjoyed watching the Milwaukee Bucks and Green Bay Packers, doings arts and crafts, and had fun learning science. Jess had a collection and passion for big hoop earrings, oversized sunglasses, and most … Read more

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Obituary: Doris Jean (Greene) McQuillin, 87

Doris Jean (Greene) McQuillin, age 87, died Sept 11, 2024 in Whitewater, Wisconsin.  She was born June 11,1937 in Hayward Wisconsin, the daughter of Melvin and Anna Greene. Doris graduated from Hayward High School in 1955. Doris was awarded a full scholarship to UW Whitewater, where she pursued a BS degree in education, graduated in 1959 and eventually earned a master’s degree in education. Doris began her teaching career in Roscoe, Illinois, eventually teaching for 42 years in the Whitewater Unified School District. Doris had a passion for the education profession and enjoyed working with young children. She taught second grade at … Read more

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