Pair Nominated for FIRST Robotics Dean’s List

Article by Laura Masbruch

Ryann (Rosie) Aschenbrener and Colin Chenoweth were nominated this year for the FIRST Robotics’ Dean’s List Award

Dean’s List is a FIRST Robotics award named for founder Dean Kamen which celebrates “outstanding student leaders whose passion for and effectiveness at attaining FIRST ideals is exemplary.”

Ryann (Rosie) Aschenbrener and Colin Chenoweth were nominated this year by the mentors for Whitewater High School’s robotics team Ferradermis and are now considered semi-finalists.

Rosie’s mentors trust her to do anything at any time and do it well. She has become our all-around specialist. If Rosie sees that a young team member is hanging back and nervous to jump in, Rosie will invite them in. Rosie has worked with electronics, mechanical, competition logistics, and has served as human player (and professional cart puller) on the drive team. She also led the charge to raise over $18,000 in two weeks by making cold calls and personal contacts when the team qualified for Worlds in 2018, which allowed her teammates to travel to Detroit free of charge.

Colin joined as a freshman when our team was just forming and earned the immediate respect of the mentors not only for his intellectual abilities but also for his work ethic. Colin served as a member of the drive team as a freshman and as the electrical captain for his sophomore year; this year he took on the role of CAD co-captain. This summer, Colin took a lead role in our first ever boot camp, introducing incoming freshmen to the use of CAD and helping them prototype a Frisbee shooter. Colin is a quiet leader; he leads by example, and it is obvious that he has earned the respect of his teammates. They respect his intellect, they respect his creativity, and they respect his playful spirit.

Rosie and Colin will be interviewed by judges at the Wisconsin Regional in Milwaukee in late March.

Whitewater students have strong showing at Southern Lakes Advanced Learners Network 7th grade Math 24 Meet

Math 24 Winners: L-R: Emerson Ellenwood, Jared Apgar, Patrick Travor, Aidan Turner, Silas Baker, Leah Newmann

Congratulations to the 7th grade Math 24 team for doing an awesome job at the meet held on February 15 at Whitewater Middle School.  Students were challenged with two rounds of Math 24 fraction cards followed by two rounds of Math 24 decimal cards.

Special congratulations go out to Emerson Ellenwood for winning the 1st place individual trophy and to Jared Apgar for winning the 2nd place individual trophy. Jefferson students, Patrick Traver and Aidan Turner, worked hard and earned the 3rd and 4th place individual trophies. 5th and 6th place trophies went to Whitewater’s Silas Baker and Leah Newmann respectively.

Overall, Whitewater had more total points than any of the other schools participating. Jefferson came in second. Clinton and Waterloo followed. Additional Whitewater Team members were Noah Coleman and Nick Wilson.  They also did very well.  Andrea Alcala was on the team as an alternate.

We are very proud of the entire team!  Go Whippets!  

WMS Math 24 team L-R: Jared Apgar, Nick Wilson, Emerson Ellenwood, Noah Coleman, Silas Baker, Andrea Alcala, Leah Newmann

Upcoming City & Community Meetings: Week of February 18 – 24

Whitewater School Board – Special Meeting – Monday, February 18, 2019, at 6:00 pm at the Whitewater Unified School District Central Office (Agenda)

Library Board Meeting – Monday, February 18, 2019, at 6:30 pm at the Irvin Young Library Community Room (Agenda)

Whitewater School Board – Policy Review Committee – Tuesday, February 19, 2019, at 8:00 am at the Whitewater Unified School District Central Office (Agenda)

Whitewater School Board – Calendar Committee – Tuesday, February 19, 2019, at 3:45 pm at the Whitewater Unified School District Central Office (Agenda)

Common Council Meeting – Tuesday, February 19, 2019, at 6:30 pm at the Whitewater Municipal Building (Agenda)

Parks & Recreation Board Meeting – Wednesday, February 20, 2019, at 5:30 pm at the Whitewater Municipal Building – Cravath Lakefront Room (Agenda)

Two WHS students named as National Merit semi-finalists

The National Merit Scholarship Program has now determined which of the 16,000 Semifinalists have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standings in the competition.

The principal of Whitewater High School, Mike Lovenberg is pleased to announce that Whitewater High School Seniors, Zachary Brantmeier and Nicholas Kuzoff have officially been named National Merit Scholarship Finalists.

Good luck to Zach and Nick!

Fair Maps Will Be Topic of Discussion at League February Meeting

League of Women Voters, Whitewater Area will present a program on Fair Voting Maps on Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cravath Lake Community Center. The program will be presented by Former State Senator Tim Cullen, Co-Chair of the Fair Elections Project. Tim is co-chair along with former State Senator Dale Schultz of this project whose goal is “to end map-rigging so that instead of politicians choosing their voters, voters can choose their elected officials, and elections will again be meaningful.” Tim has experience in the public sector as a state senator and secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services. In addition, he has been an executive for Blue Cross/Blue Shield for twenty years. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board for Common Cause Wisconsin, to achieve fair maps and impartially drawn districts. Tim will give an update on the current status of Fair Maps in Wisconsin.

Tim has ties to Whitewater as he is a graduate of the University.

This event is open to the public. Visit the League of Women Voters on Facebook!

Lakeview 5th graders hosting Chili Dinner to raise money

You are invited to join the Lakeview 5th grade class for a chili dinner on Tuesday, February 19th from 5 pm to 7 pm. The class is raising money for an end of the year camping trip to Camp Timber-lee. The chili dinner will be held in the Lakeview Elementary cafeteria and gym.

A free will donation will get you chili, salad, and bread. Clay bowls (created by Lakeview 5th graders) and raffle baskets (provided by the Lakeview PTA) will be available, as well.

Super Storm the Opera, Comes to Lincoln!

  • Students performing were: front row from the left: Jonathan Manriquez-Jurgens, Jordyn Weeden, Genesis DeJesus Zamora, Gisselle Perez, Camila Rodriguez, Ava VanDaele, Rowen Seaver and Alexa Juette. 2nd Row: Berma Vubumuh, Wesley Baker, Scarlett Klietz, Josh Baumeister, Althea Reichwald, Xavier Ortiz, Jacek Egnoski and Marcus Roselle.  The back row is the professional cast and accompanist.
    Students performing were: front row from the left: Jonathan Manriquez-Jurgens, Jordyn Weeden, Genesis DeJesus Zamora, Gisselle Perez, Camila Rodriguez, Ava VanDaele, Rowen Seaver and Alexa Juette. 2nd Row: Berma Vubumuh, Wesley Baker, Scarlett Klietz, Josh Baumeister, Althea Reichwald, Xavier Ortiz, Jacek Egnoski and Marcus Roselle. The back row is the professional cast and accompanist.
  • Students performing were: front row from the left: Jonathan Manriquez-Jurgens, Jordyn Weeden, Genesis DeJesus Zamora, Gisselle Perez, Camila Rodriguez, Ava VanDaele, Rowen Seaver and Alexa Juette. 2nd Row: Berma Vubumuh, Wesley Baker, Scarlett Klietz, Josh Baumeister, Althea Reichwald, Xavier Ortiz, Jacek Egnoski and Marcus Roselle.  The back row is the professional cast and accompanist.
    Students performing were: front row from the left: Jonathan Manriquez-Jurgens, Jordyn Weeden, Genesis DeJesus Zamora, Gisselle Perez, Camila Rodriguez, Ava VanDaele, Rowen Seaver and Alexa Juette. 2nd Row: Berma Vubumuh, Wesley Baker, Scarlett Klietz, Josh Baumeister, Althea Reichwald, Xavier Ortiz, Jacek Egnoski and Marcus Roselle. The back row is the professional cast and accompanist.

Lincoln student body was treated to an action-packed, singing whirlwind professional opera on Friday, presented by the Madison company, Opera for the Young. The chorus joining the 4 professionals were 16 Lincoln 4th grade singers.  The new opera written exclusively for the tour this year was supported by the Lincoln FTP parent group for which the school is most grateful. The children watching loved the amazing opera voices and seeing their school mates involved. The opera cast commented on how beautifully the students sang and how wonderful the audience behavior was! 

Whitewater Middle School Spelling Bee Winners

Pictured L-R: Henry Gehrenbeck, Emma Clarksen, Zoe Olson

Whitewater Middle School was finally able to hold our annual Spelling Bee on Wednesday, February 13. Final winning words were ligatures and glutinous.

The first place winner was Henry Gehrenbeck, 6th grader and child of Robert and Sarah Gehrenbeck, Whitewater.

Second place went to Emma Clarksen, 8th grader and child of Ryan and Kim Clarksen, Whitewater.

Zoe Olson, 6th grader, whose parents are Michael and Elizabeth Olson, Whitewater, came in third place. The top 7th grade speller was Devin Parboteeah, child of Kaviraj Parbooteeah and Kyong Pyun also of Whitewater.

Henry is now eligible to compete at the regional CESA 2 Spelling Bee that will be held at Whitewater High School on Wednesday, February 27.

We wish Henry the best of luck as he advances to the next level.

*** 2 Hour Delay *** for all Whitewater Schools, February 13, 2019

Due to weather conditions, all Whitewater schools will have a two-hour delay on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. There will be no morning 4K or early childhood. Breakfast will not be served today. Afternoon 4 K will report at their normal time.    

Debido a las condiciones climáticas, todas las escuelas de WWUSD tendrán una demora de dos horas el miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2019. No habrá 4K de la mañana ni primera infancia / early childhood. El desayuno no será servido hoy. 4K de la tarde será a su hora normal.