City of Whitewater PSAs: Christmas Tree Collection and Sand Delivery Information


The City of Whitewater Department of Public Works will collect Christmas trees the week of January 14, 2019. Please place your tree on the terrace by 7:00 a.m., Monday, January 14.

If you want your tree picked up before or after that week, you must call the Streets Department at 473-0560 before 5 a.m. on Tuesday that week to schedule a brush pick up.

Trees that have been flocked or contain wire will not be collected. Please place these trees for collection by John’s Disposal on the second Thursday of the month, your bulk pick up day.


The City’s street crew will deliver sand on Monday, January 14, 2019, according to Street Superintendent, Kelly Freeman.

Residents who wish to receive a quantity of sand for placement on sidewalks during the winter months are asked to have sturdy containers at the curbside by 7:00 a.m. on that Monday. City officials stress that cardboard boxes are not considered sturdy containers.

If there is a snowstorm or some other unpredictable occurrence that prevents delivery on Monday, the sand will be delivered as soon as weather permits.

Lakeview STEAM Center a hit with students

Through the recent Whitewater Unified School District capital referendum, Lakeview Elementary School was incredibly fortunate to repurpose some old locker room space into an incredible new STEAM Center. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. In this space, we are working hard to create meaningful hands-on learning that develops problem solving and critical thinking skills for each and every student in our building. We can extend learning and blend our content areas to have the students brainstorm, plan, create, and revise their plans to find unique ways to be successful. As the STEAM Center continues to grow, we wanted to share some photos of our 1st graders utilizing the space along with their top 10 reasons why they love the STEAM center.

Top 10 reasons why first graders love the STEAM Center:

  1. We get to play Robot Turtles (a beginning coding game).
  2. We get put on the green screen and we show up in the pictures with our gingerbread men.
  3. We get to make ornaments on a plastic machine and use a drill press.
  4. We built our own Mayflower boats that could float!
  5. We had to create chairs out of recycled materials that supported Goldilocks.
  6. We built the three houses that had to stay up when the wolf blew on them.
  7. We had to find a way to get Rapunzel off her tower.
  8. We get to make things to show our parents.
  9. We love the Lego wall.
  10. It’s fun to do stuff in there!

Whitewater Polar Plunge

Last year, the Whitewater Polar Plunge raised over $59,000 for Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes in the Southeastern Region. 

A Message from the Deporter Family

To our family, friends, strangers, the entire Whitewater and surrounding communities THANK YOU!!

We will never forget the December 18th night when our peaceful lives turned upside down after we lost our home and our beloved dog, Zander. It has been a surreal time. Thankfully our family is safe, which is by far the most important part of this whole experience. Losing everything we own is sad but the things we own does not define who we are inside. Sometimes the worst situations brings out the best in us and others.

Our family would like to begin by thanking ALL the first responders. To the firefighters and the police of Whitewater/Walworth and several surrounding towns, we cannot thank you enough for your heroic efforts!!

To the Whitewater, Palmyra, Elkhorn, Big Foot, Fort Atkinson and other communities who I may have forgotten, a heartfelt thank you for all of your generous donations!!

While we are devastated that the experience of our house fire will be engraved as one of our children’s biggest childhood memories, we take comfort by the fact the incredible acts of kindness will be a much vivid memory. They have seen all of the goodness in the world in the middle of such a frightening time of doubt. The compassion and generosity that has been and continues to be shown to us is unimaginable.

They say what makes a house a home is the people inside. Next year when we return to Lake Lorraine Road, we will come back to our home with not only our family but also the spirit of all of you who have helped us through this challenging time.

There are not enough thank you cards or hours left in our lifetime to write thank you cards to properly thank the people that have loved us, supported us and just been there through this tragedy. Just know we have seen every text message, listened to every voicemail, read all the Facebook messages and treasured each of the beautiful cards that have been sent. We are truly humbled by it all.

We will NEVER forget the support and love you have ALL given us. From the bottom of our hearts…THANK YOU!!

Have a blessed 2019!

Lots of love,

Dan, Rachel, Marcus, Mason and Danielle

Whitewater Unified School District has Three Seats Up for Election on the School Board – Final Day for Filing is Tuesday, January 7

Residents of the Whitewater Unified School District are encouraged to consider seeking a position on the School Board. The final day for filing for those interested in becoming a candidate for one of the three open positions on the Board is Tuesday, January 7, 2020, by 5:00 p.m.

Any person who is a United States citizen and a qualified elector of the Whitewater Unified School District is legally qualified to become a member of the School Board. In addition, Board candidates should have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the position, a capacity to understand people, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

The School Board is the District policy-making authority and is responsible to the public for the success of all education services offered by the District. This success is dependent on many individuals, but also upon each Board member’s understanding of the workings of the District-wide operations and each member’s ability to participate meaningfully in the decision-making process that governs the District.

Three positions will be on the spring ballot. The incumbents are Miguel Aranda, Casey Judd and Steven Ryan. One incumbent, Miguel Aranda, has filed a non-candidacy document.

The Board will provide an orientation for Board candidates in order to help them become quickly acquainted with the election process and Board members’ duties and responsibilities in January. The District Administrator has developed, in consultation with the Board, a candidate orientation program to be presented by District staff and a Board member appointed by the Board President.

The candidate filing documents may be obtained and filed at the office of the School Board Secretary at the Whitewater Unified School District Central Office, 419 South Elizabeth Street, Whitewater. School Board candidates do not circulate nomination papers but the School Board Secretary, Jaclyn Tueting, will assist to complete necessary filing documents. The Central Office will be open on Monday and Tuesday, 1/6-1/7, from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Again, the deadline for filing candidacy paperwork is Tuesday, 1/7 at 5:00 p.m.

Whitewater Chamber of Commerce seeks information on events to occur in 2019

The Whitewater Area Chamber of commerce has started the process to assemble the 2019 Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce book.

They would like to include a list of relevant local events from non-profit organizations. If your organization would like to submit your event for consideration in the book, please email, or go to their website > events > submit new event.

Amanda Sears, S & R Egg Farm donate eggs to Friends of Lakeland School, Whitewater Food Pantry

Amanda donated 2 cases for the third year in a row to the “Friends of Lakeland School” (“FOLS”) local charity for their “Waffles with Santa” 16th annual fundraiser breakfast at the Walworth County special education school held on Dec. 8, 2018 in Elkhorn.

Kian is a graduate of Lakeland School, and Amanda’s son Logan currently is a student. 1300 Waffles were made in 4 hours.

Amanda and S & R Egg Farm family love to support their community and donated an additional case of 30 dozen eggs to the Whitewater Food Pantry where Kian works.

The Lakeland School Choir entertaining at the “Waffles with Santa” breakfast with Elizabeth (Libby) McComb conducting.  Libby is a graduate of Whitewater HS, and the music teacher at Lakeland School.

The diners enjoyed a gourmet egg and butter Belgian waffle and sausage breakfast, good music, and good company.  

Whitewater Police Department’s Second Annual Shop with a Cop Event a Success

The Whitewater Police Department held their second successful Shop with a Cop event on December 10th.

One student from each elementary school within the Whitewater Unified School District was selected to join local law enforcement to shop for the holidays; Gio from Washington, Gavin from Lakeview and Jacob from Lincoln.

Detective Jake Hintz, Officer Shane Brandl, Officer Liz Tlougan, Support Services Manager Kathy Boyd, Records Technician Angela Sahr and Dispatcher Angieleek Lipski and Chief Aaron Raap met with the students and their families at Wal-Mart in Whitewater. Staff split into teams and helped the students find gifts for their families and themselves.

Each student was presented with a $100 gift card from the Whitewater Crime Prevention Fund along with an additional $25 from Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart also gave each family a $50 gift certificate to use for groceries.

“We are grateful for the wonderful partnership we have with the Whitewater Unified School District. They did an excellent job of selecting deserving and respectful students for this event,” said Chief Aaron Raap. “We also value and deeply appreciate our ongoing partnership with our local Walmart.”

The students were driven in squad cars back to the police department where staff helped them wrap their gifts while enjoying cookies and hot chocolate.

“It is incredibly rewarding to work with a professional, caring and dedicated law enforcement team every day. But when we have or can create an opportunity to interact with our community, especially the youth of Whitewater, it really means so much more,” said Raap. “We hope that this event will make the holidays a little more special for these young students and their families.”

Meet Tilla, the Whitewater Police Department new K-9 officer

The Whitewater Police Department will officially swear in their newest canine officer, Tilla, who will be accompanied by his handler, Officer Justin Stuppy, at the December 4th Common Council meeting.

The City of Whitewater Police Department’s K-9 program focuses on drug detection and tracking and will now add the component of apprehension. With the retirement of canine officer Boomer in January 2017 and the passing of canine officer Ruso in July 2018, the addition of Tilla allows for the police department to train in all three techniques.

The department worked with Little Rock K-9 Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas, the same academy that worked with K-9 officer Ruso. This well-respected kennel has received high recognition for their K-9 dogs and training program.

Tilla, a high energy, 2-year-old male, black German Shepard from the Netherlands was chosen as the new K-9 officer. Tilla graduated from Little Rock K9 Academy after months of training. Tilla is certified in narcotics detection, tracking lost persons or suspects and apprehension.

“Tilla is expected to be a great addition to our agency,” said Police Chief Aaron M. Raap. “It has been said that ‘dogs don’t rationalize.’ They don’t hold anything against a person. They don’t see the outside of a human but the inside of a human,” Chief Raap shared. “K-9 Officer Tilla and Officer Stuppy have been properly trained and they will undoubtedly prove to be a force multiplier within our community.”

Officer Justin Stuppy was again chosen to be Whitewater’s K-9 handler. Stuppy began formal training with Tilla in October of 2018. Stuppy was the handler for the city’s previous canine, Ruso. Tilla will be sworn in as the newest member of the Whitewater Police Department’s K-9 Unit on December 4, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Common Council Meeting. The public is welcome to attend.

“We deeply appreciate the community’s continued support of the City of Whitewater Police K-9 program,” said Raap. “This program likely could not have been sustained without the community’s ongoing, generous support as the program is not supported by city tax dollars, but rather as a citizen partnership program. The sustainability of our program will continue to rely on annual fundraisers and private donations. Your generous donation will help to sustain the program and cover annual and/or unexpected expenses.”

Chief Raap stated the K9 program remains a ‘BY THE COMMUNITY, FOR THE COMMUNITY’ initiative.

For the most up to date fundraising events, to purchase police K-9 swag or seek additional ways to financially support Tilla and K-9 Handler/Officer Stuppy, visit the Whitewater Police Department Facebook page, the City of Whitewater website or stop at the Whitewater Police Department.