Lakeview STEAM Center a hit with students

Through the recent Whitewater Unified School District capital referendum, Lakeview Elementary School was incredibly fortunate to repurpose some old locker room space into an incredible new STEAM Center. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. In this space, we are working hard to create meaningful hands-on learning that develops problem solving and critical thinking skills for each and every student in our building. We can extend learning and blend our content areas to have the students brainstorm, plan, create, and revise their plans to find unique ways to be successful. As the STEAM Center continues to grow, we wanted to share some photos of our 1st graders utilizing the space along with their top 10 reasons why they love the STEAM center.

Top 10 reasons why first graders love the STEAM Center:

  1. We get to play Robot Turtles (a beginning coding game).
  2. We get put on the green screen and we show up in the pictures with our gingerbread men.
  3. We get to make ornaments on a plastic machine and use a drill press.
  4. We built our own Mayflower boats that could float!
  5. We had to create chairs out of recycled materials that supported Goldilocks.
  6. We built the three houses that had to stay up when the wolf blew on them.
  7. We had to find a way to get Rapunzel off her tower.
  8. We get to make things to show our parents.
  9. We love the Lego wall.
  10. It’s fun to do stuff in there!
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