(Lions Club submission) The Whitewater Lions Club hosted their 45th Annual Fish-A-Ree on February 14! The challenges brought about by Covid-19, bitter cold and tons of snow inspired the Lions to make several innovated changes. The Drive Thru Pancake Breakfast utilized a Car-Hop Style service, manned by a group of school age volunteers, to serve the steaming hot pancakes, eggs and sausages right to the cars. Because the Lions clubhouse was not open to the public, we decided to incorporate an On-Line Auction to replace the Bucket Raffles that our supporters have enjoyed for so many years. Another innovation this year was the live streaming of the action in the kitchen to the action on the ice on Facebook. Whether sitting in an ice fishing tent or the comfort of their home, everyone could feel involved.
With changes comes progress. We sincerely thank each and every one who attended our Pancake Breakfast, bought a raffle ticket and bid in our auction. And a special Lions THANK YOU to the Greater Whitewater Lake Property Owners Association. The Whitewater Lions Club is truly blessed to have so many Businesses and Industries in Whitewater and surrounding communities with huge Valentine’s Day Hearts.
Hearts and Roses to Generac of Whitewater and Next Home Realty for being sponsors of our $500 Cash Raffle. Thanks also to K&W Greenery of Janesville for sponsoring the Largest Fish prizes. And a huge heart goes to DLK Enterprises for purchasing pancake breakfasts for 90+ residents of Brookdale Manor and Blackhawk Apartments. A complete list of our supporters is posted in the Whitewater Lions Club Facebook Page.
Category Winner/Length/Amount
Northern – Tory Francis 27 inches $50.00
Bass – Bruce Sarow 19 1/8 inches $50.00
Walleye – none
Perch – Layne Hamilton 6 3/8 inches $25.00
Crappie – Chase Wilcox 7 3/4 inches $25.00
Blue Gill – Steve Runnoe 5 inches $25.00
CONGRATULATIONS to Donna Vosburgh.
Donna Vosburgh of Whitewater is the winner of the Whitewater Lions Club 2021 Fish-A-Ree $500 dollar cash raffle. Pictured here is Donna accepting the $500 from Fish-A-Ree Chairman Lion Steve Malone. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s Fish-A-Ree!!