Whitewater residents may have noticed some animal drawn vehicles in the City recently. For more information on the laws that govern those vehicles check out the Wisconsin DOT link below:

Whitewater residents may have noticed some animal drawn vehicles in the City recently. For more information on the laws that govern those vehicles check out the Wisconsin DOT link below:
Editor’s Note: The following was provided by the Fort Community Credit Union (FCCU.)
Fort Community Credit Union (FCCU), a local credit union serving members throughout Southeast Wisconsin since 1940, is partnering with Happy Money Happy Life author Jason Vitug to host a local seminar, spreading the message of health, wealth, and financial well-being.
The book tour will stop in Fort Atkinson on Monday, October 9 for a special event at the Fort Atkinson High School auditorium, 925 Lexington Blvd, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and a presentation will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Vitug will present his engaging and insightful approach to financial education. Attendees can look forward to an evening filled with enriching activities. Copies of Happy Money Happy Life will be available for purchase. Free and open to the public, community members interested in attending are encouraged to reserve a spot at this link: https://link.fortcommunity.com/CUHappy.
“Our mission at FCCU is to help every member be in a better financial position than when we met them,” said Director of Business and Community Development Whitney Townsend. “We are thrilled to be hosting the CU Happy Tour Wisconsin and look forward bringing Jason’s inspiring message to Fort Atkinson.”
Jason Vitug is an acclaimed author, financial wellness advocate, and a driving force behind the Happy Money movement. Through his writings, speaking engagements, and community initiatives, Vitug empowers individuals to make mindful financial decisions that align with their life goals and values.
Vitug’s visit to Wisconsin is part of his “I want to CU Happy Tour”—an epic nationwide journey with the goal of starting a national conversation on financial well-being. The tour is supported by credit unions across the country, helping Vitug connect with local communities in all 50 states.
Released in early 2023, Happy Money Happy Life breaks down Vitug’s multidimensional approach to financial independence. Throughout the book, he emphasizes how eight dimensions of wellness—mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, occupational, environmental and financial—can transform a person’s relationship with money for a happier, healthier life.
To learn more about Vitug’s book tour, visit www.jasonvitug.com.
About FCCU: Established in 1940, Fort Community Credit Union (FCCU) is a member-owned financial cooperative open to anyone living or working in Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Rock, Walworth, or Waukesha counties. With branch locations in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Watertown, and Whitewater, FCCU holds $339 million in assets and has more than 22,000 members. For more information about FCCU and the products and services they offer, visit fortcommunity.com or call (920) 563-7305.
Janice E. Walenton, 84, of Whitewater, passed away on Thursday, September 14, 2023. She was born November 28, 1938 to John and Blanche (Golliner) Proctor on a farm in Mineral Point, WI. She married Raymond Schiferl, Jr on June 7, 1958 in Mineral Point. They had 5 children: Gail, Michael, Scott, James, and Mark. Jan was fortunate to find love a second time, marrying Raymond Walenton on March 18, 2006 and expanding the family even more.
Jan loved dachshunds, playing cards, and spending time with family. She was a marvelous baker, creating many treats. She was the best person to ask when a baby blanket needed mended. Jan enjoyed traveling, taking trips to Mexico, Alaska, Costa Rica and beyond. She was a wonderful listener, a trusted confidant, and a great friend.
She was preceded in death by her parents, first husband Ray Schiferl, brother Ralph Proctor, sister-in-law Alona Proctor, and beloved granddaughter Anna Schiferl.
She is survived by her children Gail (Gary) Tomal, Michael (Patricia) Schiferl, Scott Schiferl, James (Melissa) Schiferl, Mark (Angela Struckmann) Schiferl; grandchildren Alan (Lauren Macho) Schiferl, Daniel (Lana) Schiferl, Elizabeth (Peter Keiser) Tomal-Keiser, Melanie Tomal, Allison (Edward) Miklasz, Meredith Schiferl, Rob Anderson, Kristie Gray; great grandchildren Amarian Gray, Hazel Tomal-Keiser, August Schiferl; sister Joan Ristey and many nieces and nephews.
Her step-family included Rod Walenton, Ronald (Rebecca) Walenton, Robin Walenton, step grandchildren Blaine (Jamy) Walenton, Blair (Blake) Bowman, Ryan, Rachel (Joel) Schneider, Ramsey (Brittany) Walenton, Richelle (John Pio) Walenton, Riley and great grandchildren Austin and McKenna Walenton, Hannah, Hailey and Miles Schneider, Sophia and Owen Walenton, Addison, Noah and Evan Walenton Deeply loved by all those who knew her, Jan will be truly missed.
A Funeral Mass will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fort Atkinson. Visitation will take place on Monday, September 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Dunlap Memorial Home in Fort Atkinson and from 10:30 to 11:20 on Tuesday at the church. Entombment will be held at Roselawn Memorial Park in Monona.
Dunlap Memorial Home in Fort Atkinson is assisting the family.
Common Council Meeting | ||
Whitewater Municipal Building Community Room, 312 West Whitewater St., Whitewater, WI 53190 *In Person and Virtual | ||
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – 6:30 PM |
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or Telephone:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Webinar ID: 812 5060 6233
Passcode: 536298
Please note that although every effort will be made to provide for virtual participation, unforeseen technical difficulties may prevent this, in which case the meeting may still proceed as long as there is a quorum. Should you wish to make a comment in this situation, you are welcome to call this number: (262) 473-0108.
A councilmember can choose to remove an item from the agenda or rearrange its order; however, introducing new items to the agenda is not allowed. Any proposed changes require a motion, a second, and approval from the council to be implemented. The agenda shall be approved at reach meeting even if no changes are being made at that meeting.
Items on the Consent Agenda will be approved together unless any council members requests that an item be removed for individual consideration.
1. Approval of Special Common Council – July 13, 2023
2. Approval of Special Common Council – August 21, 2023
3. Approval of Common Council meeting minutes August 15, 2023
4. Public Works minutes – August 8, 2023
5. Police and Fire Commission Minutes from May 10, 2023
6. August 2023 Combined Financial Statement
7. Police Statistics Report – Gerber/PD
8. Geese control on the lakes- Dawsey-Smith/Park and Rec
9. Zoning Changes for dollars store and cash businesses – Allen/Neighborhood Services
No formal Council action will be taken during this meeting although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Participants are allotted a three minute speaking period. Specific items listed on the agenda may not be discussed at this time; however, citizens are invited to speak to those specific issues at the time the Council discusses that particular item.
To make a comment during this period, or during any agenda item: On a computer or handheld device, locate the controls on your computer to raise your hand. You may need to move your mouse to see these controls. On a traditional telephone, dial *6 to unmute your phone and dial *9 to raise your hand.
First Reading
10. Ordinance 2070 an Ordinance amending Section 19.51.180 Truck Trailer, Mobile Home and Equipment Parking Restrictions – Public Works
Second Reading
11. Ordinance 2062 an ordinance amending changes to portions of the zoning code dealing with code enforcement, building standards and penalties. Neighborhood Service
12. Ordinance 2063 Ordinance amending Chapter 11.16.15, adding No Stopping, Standing or Parking on east side of Elizabeth Street at Court Street and Laurel Street. Public works
13. Ordinance 2066 an ordinance creating chapter 5.85 Convenient Cash Businesses – Allen/City Clerk
14. Ordinance 2067 and ordinance revising Chapter 1.28 right of entry for inspection-Neighborhood Services
15. Ordinance 2068 an ordinance revision of chapter 8.12 Filth-Neighborhood Services
16. Ordinance 2069 an ordinance revision of chapter 14.05 building and maintenance code and dwelling standards-Neighborhood Services
17. Discussion and update with Bird Scooter representative- Hicks/Public Works
18. Discussion and possible action regarding policy for exit interviews Gerber/HR
19. Discussion and possible action regarding LEA Grant Request –PD
20. Discussion and possible action regarding Johns Disposal rate increase request for 2024 – Public works
21. Discussion and possible action regarding water use credit policy – Public Works
22. Discussion and possible action regarding Lakes meeting – Park and Rec
23. Discussion and possible action regarding Amendment No. 1 to Strand Task Order No. 23-04 for Construction Related Services for the North Side Water Main Extension – Public Works
24. Discussion and possible action regarding Twin Oaks mobile home annual permit –City Clerk/Neighborhood Services
25. Discussion and possible action regarding City Manager budget goals – Gerber/City Manager
26. Councilmember Requests for Future Agenda Items or Committee items. Questions
27. Updates to the Mobile Home Ordinance – Hicks -October
28. First line surveys for staff to complete on management Gerber Q3/Q4 2023
29. Feedback survey for City Manager to distribute when you attend or present at meetings- Gerber Q3/Q4 2023
30. Good Governance manual changes Gerber – October 3
31. Compensation survey Gerber Q4 2023
32. Walton Assessment review – Finance – October 3
33. Training for newly elected and appointed officials Dawsey- Smith – April/May 2024
34. Window Ordinance – City Clerk/PD – December
35. Hiring a temporary, hourly assistant to the city manager – Allen/HR -TBD
36. Virtual Meeting Policy Allen/HR-TBD
37. R0 Zoning Dissusion- Neighborhood Services/Public Works – October 17
Anyone requiring special arrangements is asked to call the Office of the
City Manager / City Clerk (262-473-0102) at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Editor’s Note: The following was provided by Knight Public Affairs, LLC.
The Discover Whitewater Series (DWS): Half Marathon, Half Marathon Team Event, & 5k is this weekend, with the W3 Fit Kid Shuffle on Saturday.
This Sunday the Discover Whitewater Series is set to take off at 8:00 a.m. with the Half Marathon followed by the 5k beginning at 8:15 a.m. During this time traffic in your street may be affected please refer to the course map for detailed information.
The DWS team encourages community members to line the streets and cheer on the runners. UW-Whitewater Chancellor Dr. Corey King will be making opening remarks at 7:45 a.m. at the Whitewater High School. Help cheer on participants as they run through the City.
The DWS team is working hard to get ready for packet pickup, as many volunteers and team members are currently stuffing shirts, bibs, and goodies for all of the race participants. There is still time to register, volunteers are still needed and it is a great way to get in on the action. Students can receive volunteer hours for participating. Don’t miss out as numbers are climbing the DWS team is currently prepping the course for another amazing year.
Sign up today at: https://RunWhitewater.com/. To see where you can cheer on please see the attached course map.
For further details, please contact Jeffery Knight, Executive Director at 920.728.0662 or jpk@knightpublicaffairs.com.
About the DWS
The goal of the DWS is to promote the City of Whitewater and highlight its greatest features, while keeping everyone in the community active. All the proceeds from the race are donated to local non-profit partners: Bethel House (which provides interim housing for homeless families), Whitewater LEADS, Working for Whitewater’s Wellness (W3), and the J-Hawk Aquatic Club. The DWS partners with the city, business community, and university to make this a tremendous event that benefits all who participate. For more information about the race visit www.runwhitewater.com.
David Yochum shared this photo from the Enchanted Highway in ND. Smoke created the haze of this mid-day image. There is a whole series of sculptures along this 30+ miles of highway off of I-94.
Editor’s Note: the following was provided by Knight Public Affairs, LLC.
The Discover Whitewater Series (DWS): Half Marathon, Half Marathon Team Event, & 5k is set for this Sunday, September 17, 2023 with the W3 Fit Kid Shuffle set for Saturday, September 16.
On Saturday, volunteers begin to set up the course beginning at Whitewater High School where participants can start picking up their race packets from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on September 16. The W3 Fit Kid Shuffle begins at 10:00 a.m. where children under the age of 10 can participate in a free mile long run.
On Sunday, packet pickup is also available from 6:00-7:30 a.m. with race festivities beginning at 7:45 a.m. with UW-Whitewater Chancellor Dr. Corey King giving the opening remarks. At 8:00 a.m. the half marathon runners begin taking off and at 8:15 a.m. the 5k runners start their race. The awards ceremony will begin once the top three runners have been certified by Runner’s Edge.
Parking will be available at Whitewater High School and Whitewater Middle School. The DWS team will be following the flag warning system to notify runners of weather conditions: green for good conditions, yellow for less than ideal conditions, red for potentially dangerous conditions, and black for a canceled event.
It is not too late to register as a volunteer or participant, registration closes for the event at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 17. Those who registered before September 1 will receive their DWS t-shirt on packet pickup, those who registered after the date will receive their DWS t-shirt in the mail after race day.
The DWS team encourages the community to come out and cheer on runners as they run throughout the City of Whitewater.
Sign up today at: https://RunWhitewater.com/.
For further details, please contact Jeffery Knight, Executive Director at 920.728.0662 or jpk@knightpublicaffairs.com.
About the DWS
The goal of the DWS is to promote the City of Whitewater and highlight its greatest features, while keeping everyone in the community active. All the proceeds from the race are donated to local non-profit partners: Bethel House (which
provides interim housing for homeless families), Whitewater LEADS, Working for Whitewater’s Wellness (W3), and the J-Hawk Aquatic Club. The DWS partners with the city, business community, and university to make this a tremendous event that benefits all who participate. For more information about the race visit www.runwhitewater.com.
Editor’s Note: The following was provided by Walworth County.
The Walworth County Aging Network (WCAN) will host the annual Senior Resource Fair on Thursday, October 5, from 8 to 11 a.m., at the Walworth County Health and Human Services building, 1910 County Road NN, Elkhorn. The fair will feature more than 50 vendors, health screenings, hearing testing, coffee, water, snacks, and awesome raffle prizes. The first 200 attendees will receive two free gifts and a valuable Walworth County resource directory.
“We are excited about this year’s Walworth County Senior Resource Fair,” says Walworth County Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Manager Randy Kohl. “More than 50 agencies that provide services for older adults will be on hand to share information and answer questions. We have also expanded the number of health screenings Advocate Aurora Health provides.”
The Walworth County Public Health Department will also provide information about flu, pneumonia, shingles, and COVID-19 vaccinations.
“You won’t want to miss this event,” states Kohl. “Many attendees will win valuable raffle prizes, Walworth County Cycling Without Age will provide bike rides (weather dependent) and ADRC staff will be available to assist with the completion of Power of Attorney forms.”
The Walworth County Aging Network Senior Resource Fair is open to the public with free admission and ample free parking. For more information regarding the Senior Resource Fair or the Walworth County Aging Network, visit https://bit.ly/3Z4sKuL or contact the Walworth County ADRC at (262) 741-3400.
About the Walworth County Aging and Disability Resource Center: The ADRC provides information and assistance to older and disabled adults, their friends, family, caregivers, and the public. We can assist by evaluating your current needs and providing options available to meet the needs of your personal situation.
Editor’s Note: The following was provided by Tom Ganser.
The Whitewater High School Class of 1983 reunited on August 25 and 26.
Editor’s Note: The following was provided by Chris Spangler.
Rebecca Lee Finster, a freelance graphic designer and art teacher from Madison, will teach a two-session origami class from 1 to 3 p.m. on consecutive Saturdays, Sept. 16 and 23. The free workshop will take place at Wisconsin Makers on 200 East Clay Street in Whitewater.
The class is limited to 10 participants age 10 and older. Pre-registration is necessary by sending the student’s name, email and telephone number to Chris Spangler at editorspangler@gmail.com or calling her at (920) 728-2960.
Materials will be provided.
Finster, who has studied with origami masters, graduated from Janesville’s Craig High School in 1973.
She went on to earn an art degree in 1979 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a graphic design certification from the Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Ga., in 1983.
Finster worked as a graphic designer for UW-Madison’s Agriculture Journalism and UW-Extension programs from 1984-91 and as a middle school art teacher at Eagle School in Madison from 2005-15.
Located at 200 E. Clay St. in Whitewater, Wisconsin Makers is a makerspace that creates an affordable, collaborative and educational environment that inspires people of all ages to becoming innovators within their communities by unlocking their skills through continual training.
It has members from Jefferson, Walworth, Rock and Waukesha counties and beyond, and all have access to the workshops around the clock.
The facility houses machine, welding/fabrication, electronics, automotive, 3-D printing, laser engraving and woodworking shops. It also offers pottery, ceramics, metal art, quilting, fabric arts, matting/framing and more.
The building is accessible and has off-street parking, WiFi, and many other amenities.
For more information about the makerspace, contact Chris Spangler at (920) 728-2960.