Al Stanek Appointed to Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission

Al Stanek

At the May 12, 2020 Walworth County Board of Supervisors meeting, Whitewater resident Al Stanek was appointed to the Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission (WRRTC).

Per the WRRTC website, “The mission of Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission (WRRTC) is to preserve and protect the publicly-owned railroad corridors throughout southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.   Established by Charter in 1982, WRRTC is made of appointed representatives from CrawfordDaneGrantIowaJeffersonRockSaukWalworth, and Waukesha Counties.  The Commission collaborates closely with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT) and Wisconsin and Southern Railroad (WSOR) to see that their communities have quality and reliable access to freight rail service.  WRRTC helps communities in southern Wisconsin be economically competitive through connection to the national rail system.”

The Banner asked Mr. Stanek about the responsibilities of the Commission, and his interest in serving on it, and received the following reply. “I worked in rail and other infrastructure planning for 20 years at the WI Dept. of Transportation and recognize the value of maintaining a rail option for keeping and attracting businesses.  Having a rail option keeps transportation costs competitive and is essential for some. The State of WI helps maintain this infrastructure on lightly traveled lines like here in Whitewater just as the state supports roads, airports, harbors and public transportation. The Commission establishes policies for the railroad that runs through Whitewater. Our depot, by the way, is seen as a statewide example of preservation and having a Whitewater representative enhances cooperation with the operator on things like the City Market and other uses of the park like the 4th of July celebration.

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