Whitewater Middle School hosted a school-wide National Geographic Geography Bee on Wednesday, December 18. Special congratulations to Emerson Ellenwood, son of Christian Ellenwood and Elisabeth Duessen, Whitewater, for maintaining his 1st place finish for the second year in a row. Henry Gehrenbeck, son of Robert and Sarah Gehrenbeck, Whitewater, earned 2nd place. 3rd place went to Lucien Pomazak, son of Mark and Anita Pomazak, Whitewater. 4th place went to Quinton O’Toole, son of Tim and Mindy O’Toole, Whitewater, Quinton was also the top-scoring 6th grader.
Champion Emerson will now complete a qualifying test to go on and compete at the state level National Geographic Bee where he has a chance to win a $50,000 college scholarship. Congratulations to all of these students! Good Luck to Emerson as he advances to the next level of competition.