Three Sponsors Renew Title Sponsorship of Discover Whitewater Race

Whitewater Unified School District Renews Title Sponsorship for 2020 DWS

WHITEWATER — June 19, 2020 — The Greater Whitewater Committee Inc.’s 2020 Discover Whitewater Series (DWS) is excited to announce that the Whitewater Unified School District (WUSD) will once be a title sponsor for the eighth year in a row. The Whitewater High School has provided the DWS with a location for the start and finish to the race since 2013 and continues to be a crucial part of this event.

“As the new District Administrator of the Whitewater Unified School District, I am discovering that Whitewater is an incredible place to live and work,” said District Administrator Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty. “We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals devoting hours to organizing this race so that we can feature the great aspects of our city, school district, and university. The community is supportive of our school district and we enjoy being able to highlight the great things happening in our schools.”

Many of the race’s volunteers come from students and faculty within the WUSD.

This year’s race is scheduled for Sept. 20, 2020 with the goal of hosting a fun and safe athletic event while building a stronger local community. To achieve this, DWS donates all profits of the race to five local charity partners.

“I am proud to be associated with the Discover Whitewater Series and I am looking forward to demonstrating how we can run a safe and healthy premier athletic event demonstrating all the wonderful sights there are to see in Whitewater,” DWS Race Director Dawson Miller said.

The DWS team is incredibly excited to see what all the positive change that will come from this sponsorship with the WUSD.  Be sure to check out the DWS’ new guidelines for race day at


City of Whitewater Recommits as a DWS Title Sponsor for Eighth Year

The City of Whitewater has recommitted for the eighth year in a row as a title sponsor for the Discover Whitewater Series (DWS): Half Marathon and 5K, scheduled for Sept. 20, 2020.

Since the first DWS in 2013, the team has worked alongside the City of Whitewater to create a memorable race day experience for all participants. DWS would not be what it is today without the city’s continuous support throughout the past seven years. The City of Whitewater assists DWS by providing public safety, parking, and volunteers.

“Public safety is the number one priority of DWS on race day,” DWS Executive Director Jeffery Knight said. “DWS is extremely thankful for the city’s annual contribution and their direct aid in DWS’s operations throughout the race day weekend. The police, public works and city staff are just amazing in their support of our race; we could not run this huge event without them.”

DWS provides an ideal opportunity to help promote the City of Whitewater. By creating a racecourse that highlights many of the amazing features in the city, race participants from all over can see the wonderful and unique aspects of Whitewater. The course goes past the school district, UW-Whitewater, and many different businesses, creating an upbeat and scenic route for race participants to enjoy.

“This event is an opportunity to showcase the Whitewater community and pulling it off each year is truly a community effort,” Whitewater City Manager Cameron Clapper said. “We see volunteers from all facets of the community stepping up every year to help make this event a success. DWS continues to be a key opportunity to welcome visitors and showcase the best of the Whitewater community each year. The City of Whitewater is pleased to continue its support of DWS in 2020.”

The City of Whitewater’s sponsorship also helps DWS’s efforts in supporting the community. All proceeds from the race are donated to five local Whitewater charities: Bethel House, J-Hawk Aquatic Club, Whitewater LEADS, Whitewater Unified School District and Working for Whitewater’s Wellness.

In the past seven years, DWS has been able to raise $183,500 for our five charity partners.


Fort HealthCare recommits as a title sponsor of DWS

WHITEWATER— April 29, 2020 — The Greater Whitewater Committee Inc. is pleased to announce that this year marks Fort HealthCare’s eighth continuous year of being a title sponsor for the Discover Whitewater Series (DWS): HalfMarathon and 5K, scheduled for Sept. 20, 2020.

Fort HealthCare’s mission is to improve the community’s health and well-being. They recognize early detection and
wellness as the leading course of action for managing diseases.DWS shares Fort HealthCare’s ideology that activity and fitness are preventive measures in fighting most illnesses. Fort HealthCare promotes having an active lifestyle within their organization by encouraging their staff to participate in the annual DWS.

Both Fort HealthCare and DWS are following updates from the CDC and Governor Tony Ever’s office closely.

“Fort HealthCare is proud to be an eight year sponsor of such a well-run event for our community,” said a Fort
HealthCare representative. “Partners like the City of Whitewater help in leading our mission and vision of being the
healthiest community in Wisconsin. In this time of unrest we all need to take good care of ourselves and our loved

DWS is appreciative of Fort HealthCare’s continued support and for their efforts helping slow the spread of COVID-19. “The DWS and the local community’s health resources wouldn’t be the same without Fort HealthCare,” DWS Executive Director Jeffery Knight said. “DWS is extremely grateful for Fort HealthCare’s sponsorship and is passionate about working alongside them to support our community in these uncertain times.”

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