The WHS FFA officers for school year 2018 – 19 were announced at the conclusion of the Annual FFA Banquet.

The Whitewater FFA is hosting a Donkey Basketball “tournament” at the Whitewater High School Gymnasium on Tuesday, March 13th, 2018 at 7 pm. There will be four teams: Whitewater EMS/Firefighters, Whitewater FFA, Whitewater School Staff, and Jefferson FFA. Kids can come down in between games and interact with the donkeys by riding them with an escort of one or more FFA members. Community members can get the chance of seeing up close and personal a farm animal that they might not otherwise get the chance of interacting with and they get a fun night out with the kids.
Tickets are $10 at the door or $7 if bought in advance; kids preschool age and younger get in free. Tickets can be purchased at local businesses such as Premier Bank, First Citizens, Triebolds, and Ketterhagen Ford or from FFA members.
Photos from the last Donkey Basketball Tournament: