Ferradermis, the WHS Robotics Team, Competes at FIRST Championships

From Tuesday, April 24, through the early morning hours of Sunday, April 29, twenty-six members of the Whitewater High School Robotics Team Ferradermis and seven adult mentors traveled to Detroit for the FIRST Championships. While there, the team competed with and against 405 teams from around the world including France, Poland, Chinese Taipei, the Netherlands, and Canada as part of the high school level FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). The Cobo Center in Detroit simultaneously played host to the middle school FIRST Tech Challenge Championships and the elementary school FIRST Lego League and Lego League Junior Championships.

Altogether, the four events hosted more than 15,000 students from 700 teams and 37 countries. Ferradermis had one practice match and ten qualification matches on Tesla, one of the six competition fields for FRC, with randomly assigned alliances of three robots, finishing with a qualification record of 4-6 and ranked 48th out of 67 teams in the Tesla division. One of the highlights of the qualification matches was playing with the number one overall team in Tesla and helping set a high score for the event.

Ferradermis would like to thank the dozens of businesses, organizations, and community members who came forward to help the team in its fundraising efforts which made the trip possible.

Photos from the event:

  • Team Photo
    Team Photo
    The 6 FRC Fields all in a row
    The 6 FRC Fields all in a row
  • The 405 FRC Pits from Above
    The 405 FRC Pits from Above
    The Pit
    The Pit
  • Using our App to Scout during Matches
    Using our App to Scout during Matches
    Welcome Party at Ford Field
    Welcome Party at Ford Field
  • Climbing with the help of the number one team
    Climbing with the help of the number one team
    Collecting Buttons from other teams
    Collecting Buttons from other teams
  • Crating the Robot for Shipping Home
    Crating the Robot for Shipping Home
    Drive Team in Action
    Drive Team in Action
  • Gwynne Volunteering at the NCWIT Booth
    Gwynne Volunteering at the NCWIT Booth
    Meeting Woodie Flowers, Founder of FIRST
    Meeting Woodie Flowers, Founder of FIRST
  • Shooting a cube onto the switch in autonomous mode
    Shooting a cube onto the switch in autonomous mode
    Talking with the Judges
    Talking with the Judges
  • Team Dinner
    Team Dinner
    Team Meeting at the Hotel
    Team Meeting at the Hotel
  • Team Photo
    Team Photo
    The 6 FRC Fields all in a row
    The 6 FRC Fields all in a row
  • The 405 FRC Pits from Above
    The 405 FRC Pits from Above
    The Pit
    The Pit
  • Using our App to Scout during Matches
    Using our App to Scout during Matches
    Welcome Party at Ford Field
    Welcome Party at Ford Field
  • Climbing with the help of the number one team
    Climbing with the help of the number one team
    Collecting Buttons from other teams
    Collecting Buttons from other teams
  • Crating the Robot for Shipping Home
    Crating the Robot for Shipping Home
    Drive Team in Action
    Drive Team in Action
  • Gwynne Volunteering at the NCWIT Booth
    Gwynne Volunteering at the NCWIT Booth
    Meeting Woodie Flowers, Founder of FIRST
    Meeting Woodie Flowers, Founder of FIRST
  • Shooting a cube onto the switch in autonomous mode
    Shooting a cube onto the switch in autonomous mode
    Talking with the Judges
    Talking with the Judges
  • Team Dinner
    Team Dinner
    Team Meeting at the Hotel
    Team Meeting at the Hotel


Ferradermis, the second year WHS FIRST Robotics Team, qualified for the FIRST Championship in Detroit at this weekend’s Wisconsin Regional.

  • Awards
  • Engaging in conversation with the judges
    Engaging in conversation with the judges
  • Fire Trucks
    Fire Trucks
  • Gabe Schemmel in his mascot costume
    Gabe Schemmel in his mascot costume
  • Passing inspection
    Passing inspection
  • Pit row
    Pit row
  • Queued for the Championship Match
    Queued for the Championship Match
  • Scouting other teams from the stands with our own scouting app
    Scouting other teams from the stands with our own scouting app
  • Team meeting at the hotel
    Team meeting at the hotel
  • Working on the robot in the pit
    Working on the robot in the pit
  • Awards
  • Engaging in conversation with the judges
    Engaging in conversation with the judges
  • Fire Trucks
    Fire Trucks
  • Gabe Schemmel in his mascot costume
    Gabe Schemmel in his mascot costume
  • Passing inspection
    Passing inspection
  • Pit row
    Pit row
  • Queued for the Championship Match
    Queued for the Championship Match
  • Scouting other teams from the stands with our own scouting app
    Scouting other teams from the stands with our own scouting app
  • Team meeting at the hotel
    Team meeting at the hotel
  • Working on the robot in the pit
    Working on the robot in the pit

Article by Laura Masbruch

Team 6574, Ferradermis, a second year FIRST Robotics Team from Whitewater High School, qualified for the FIRST Championship in Detroit at this weekend’s Wisconsin Regional in Milwaukee. There are extensive hurdles that any team must pass to qualify for the Championship, much less a second-year team. Those challenges could not be overcome without other FIRST teams demonstrating the best the organization has to offer.

Ferradermis was founded in 2017 when then Whitewater High School seniors Justin Brantmeier and Roberto Soto, along with teacher Laura Masbruch reached out to other local teams for help. Their first contact was Team 3692, the Rock N’ Robotics club based at Janesville Parker. The Janesville mentors helped the trio navigate into the world of FIRST, and a connection with the Whitewater Makerspace helped make the reality of a team seem possible. Team 1306, Badger BOTS, based in Middleton, led by President and 2017 Dean’s List winner Grace Fanson, immediately jumped in to help. 1306 provided extensive background help and tips on forming and administering a team, as well as advice on how the competition worked. 1306 additionally lent a full drive train for 6574 to use to familiarize the new competitors with the base of a robot to help develop controls and electronics and programming knowledge, as well as scouting support and replacement parts at the 2017 Seven Rivers Regional in LaCrosse.

But help for the new competitor was also provided by other FIRST teams. Two of 6574’s lead mentors are alumni of Team 1259, Paradigm Shift, of Pewaukee. In a fortuitous bit of foreshadowing, at the 2018 Wisconsin Regional this past Friday, 6574 experienced reliability issues across multiple components of their robot, leading to a number of match losses due to the robot shutting down. Numerous teams at the event jumped in to help, lending hands, materials, and parts to get the robot working. Team 2202, BEAST Robotics, of Brookfield, lent a broken 12V pneumatic solenoid to the team that functioned flawlessly after a quick repair. Team 1259, over all three days of the regional, worked to ensure 6574’s continued progress, sending their own students, tools, and components including a replacement gearbox component for the intake mechanism. 1259 mentor Dale Noll, and his son, Ben Noll, provided a combination of electrical and mechanical expertise and support in order to ensure the robot performed at its best. Team 2574, RoboHuskies, of Saint Anthony, Minnesota, lent mechanical hardware and tools on the first day to ensure the team was able to fully integrate newly made parts intended to upgrade the robot. After the team noticed a stripped screw terminal on a motor controller, Team 3418, RoboRiot of Sheboygan County, jumped to offer two spare motor controllers in order to ensure 6574’s conveyor system would function through the eliminations.

All of this help from other teams contributed to 6574’s strong bounce back on day two. The team’s drivers were now able to fill up the vault entirely by themselves with time to spare, cleanly winning all three Saturday qualification matches with the support of their alliance members, as well as a match replay of their last match. Knowing the troubles 6574 suffered on Day 1, and confident in the repairs the new team made to their bot, 1259, the top seed at the Wisconsin Regional, invited 6574 to join their alliance with 2481, Roboteers, of Tremont, Illinois, for the playoff round. That alliance swept through the playoff rounds to claim the Wisconsin Regional, undefeated.

The help of other teams, however, did not end there. Post-match photos courtesy of 1259 were taken and circulated. Team 537, Charger Robotics, out of Sussex, immediately offered their help in preparing a shipping box for 6574 to send their robot to the Championship. So, 6574 Ferradermis goes to the Championship—-but takes parts of many other teams with them, courtesy of the guiding principle of FIRST: Gracious Professionalism in action.

Ferradermis would like to thank the Whitewater community as well for their endless support. The welcome home on Saturday night courtesy of the Whitewater Fire Department was nothing short of fantastic. The department provided team members with a phenomenal cap to a phenomenal day. The Whitewater Unified School District’s support of the young team is also impressive with an immediate assurance that the trip to Detroit would be possible. Ferradermis also thanks our numerous community sponsors without whom none of this would have been possible: Generac, Whitewater Manufacturing, HSI Rentals, anonymous community members, the Kiwanis Breakfast Club, LS Power, First Citizens State Bank, Basin Precision Machining, Hudapack, The Knights of Columbus, and the Salverson Family. Funding from these local sponsors in addition to grants from Pentair, the Argosy Foundation, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction have provided a solid funding foundation for the team.

If you would like to learn more about the team, visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/ferradermis or on the Web at ferradermis.org. The team is always looking for additional adult mentors to help advise on CAD, electronics, or mechanical work. If you are interested in helping sponsor the team or sharing your expertise as a mentor, please contact Laura Masbruch at lmasbruch@wwusd.org. To learn more about FIRST or this year’s competition, visit firstinspires.org/robotics/frc. The team is open to all Whitewater High School students at the start of each school year. Go, Ferradermis!


The Whitewater High School Robotics Team Ferradermis has just entered their build season for 2018.

The 2017-18 Team

On January 6, the team traveled to Waukesha County Technical College in Pewaukee to participate in the FIRST Robotics Kick-Off Event. At the event, they learned about the game for the 2018 season, and they will have until February 20 to plan, design, build, and test their robot before it has to be sealed for competition.

The game this year is modeled after a 1980’s video game, with the robot needing to pick up and distribute “power cubes” to various places on the field. To view the video presentation of the game, visit .

The plan to design, build, and test their robot is underway!

Team Ferradermis would like to thank their community sponsors including HSI Rentals, Generac, First Citizens State Bank, LS Power, Whitewater Manufacturing, the Salverson Family, Basin Precision Machining, The Knights of Columbus, Hudapack, anonymous community members, Whitewater High School, and the Kiwanis Breakfast Club. Ferradermis has also received generous grants from the Wisconsin Robotics League Participation grant program, the Argosy Family Foundation, and from Pentair this year. With these donations and grants, the team will be able to compete in two regionals this year as well as a pre-regional at Sussex Hamilton High School on February 18. From March 22 – March 24 the team will be in Milwaukee for the Wisconsin Regional, and from April 4 – April 7 the team will be in LaCrosse for the Seven Rivers Regional. The regional events are free and open to the public.

If the team can raise a little more money, their goal is to build two identical robots so that after the first is sealed for competition they can continue testing and debugging the second in preparation for changes to be made once the first robot is unsealed in Milwaukee.

Team Ferradermis would also like to thank the large number of adults who are assisting faculty advisors Ms. Laura Masbruch and Mr. Cody Watson in mentoring the team. Three graduates who founded the team last year are returning to mentor their former classmates; Justin Brantmeier, Roberto Soto, and Jacob Lee are all attending college but giving up their holiday break and driving back on weekends to assist. Also mentoring the team are Rob Prager from US Tanker, Lead Coach Carissa Petzinger from Generac, Dilpreet Randhawa, Allison Conrad, and Caleb Johnson from the UW-Madison Robotics Team, UW-Whitewater student and FIRST alum Sam Smith, and community members Jim McKenzie, Tony Tautges, Steven Sahyun, and Karen Korf. Thank you to the community for your tremendous support!