The 5th Annual Southern Lakes Conference reunion will be on Friday, Oct. 7th again at the Place To Be in downtown Elkhorn at noon. This year we are including the years from 1954 to 1962. So anyone who played any sport in the old SLC those years please try to attend. Please contact some of your teammates from those years to come. It is a good time to talk old times with some of your foes from years ago and have a great lunch. If anyone has any questions you can contact me Tom Kraus gatortom57@yahoo.com 262-215-9985.
Editor’s note: We recognize that the logo for the conference, and the schools that were part of the conference, were probably different in 1954-1962. If someone has a logo from that era we’ll be pleased to use it!
Editor’s note, 9/28 @ 9:40 a.m. – Phone number for Tom Kraus corrected.