Smart Spending 101 Workshop at the Library

Mariah Sprain is a budgeting coach who has a passion for helping people find tools and learn techniques to help them become financially stable and prosperous. Sprain states that “financial literacy is a topic near to my heart, as education around money tends to be lacking. Many people believe that living paycheck to paycheck, or accumulating debt, is what is expected. However, the more you learn about financial literacy and money management, the more you realize that money is a tool that can help you achieve your goals. Finance is a passion of mine, and with this knowledge, I am dedicated to helping those around me understand and embrace their finances.” 

The public is invited to a free workshop for adults, Smart Spending 101, where Sprain will discuss spending habits and explore different types of budgets, emergency funds, and how to curb impulse buying. The hour-long workshop will be held at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library’s Community Room on Tuesday, June 6 at 5:30 p.m. There is no cost to attend, although registration is requested. Visit and click on “Events—Registration Forms” or contact Sarah French to register or with questions at or 262-568-2782. 

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