Editor’s Note: The following was provided by the Dwight Foster Public Library in Fort Atkinson.
The US Veterans Project Library and the Dwight Foster Public Library invite you to celebrate Memorial Day with this tour of the military cemeteries of Europe. This program will be presented by Wes Sisson on Thursday, May 26 at 6 p.m. both in-person and by Zoom.
Many fallen soldiers and military personnel from WWI and WWII remain buried in cemeteries in various countries around the world. Sisson will present images and history from these sacred places.
Sisson, originally from Milton, WI taught high school history mostly in overseas military schools. He spent 31 years living in Heidelberg, Germany. While living in Europe he was able to spend time visiting the cemeteries there and was able to locate Milton residents who were buried in them.
This program will be presented in-person at the Dwight Foster Public Library, 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson. A remote option will also be available on Zoom. Go to https://www.fortlibrary.org/usvets/ to access the link to join on Zoom. For additional information contact the library at (920) 563-7790.