“An experience I’ll remember the rest of my life!” That was a comment heard from several Lincoln Elementary 5th Grade Choir students who were chosen to perform in the Wisconsin Choral Directors Association All-State Children’s Choir. Eight Lincoln students performed in Appleton, WI at Lawrence University on Saturday, Jan. 15, as part of a select 50 voice choir of 5th and 6th grade singers from across the state. The students rehearsed their challenging music for six weeks prior to the concert, then joined with the other WI students for an all-day rehearsal prior to their concert with nationally renowned guest conductor, Diane Skrobis. The participating students were Nels Brown, Paige Callahan, Espen Heim, Amelia Lafaive, Karlee Luna, Saul Mendoza, Nixon Posada and Karis Schemenauer. Lincoln music teacher, Christine Hayes, was thrilled with the musicianship of the choir’s performance and the diligent work of each Lincoln participant. “They have grown tremendously in their musical skills and knowledge, and will bring it back to their choirmates in the Lincoln Choir. We are indebted to the Whitewater Music Parents for their generous scholarships towards each student’s registration fees.”
Submitted by Christine Hayes
Lincoln K-5 Music Teacher