What a difference one week and a half makes. Nearly 800 people attended the Whitewater Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast on March 7, the largest crowd since 2009.
“We are so grateful to all those who attended the Kiwanis breakfast on March 7. We are especially thankful we had it when we did, because we certainly would not have been able to hold it even a week later, due to the virus and the need for social distance. With all of the support from the breakfast, the funds will continue to help the children of Whitewater,” said Kiwanis President Lorrie Koppein.
Kiwanian Irene Potocki said, “Helping were 96 volunteers throughout the day. Thank you to the Kiwanis Breakfast, Whitewater Kiwanis Foundation, Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club, Ferradermis and the Whitewater Youth Soccer Club members, and thank you to the parents of students who came and helped, making this a very successful, fun and delicious breakfast.”
Kiwanis thanks all of the sponsors who help make the breakfast possible with donations of products and services, including: City of Whitewater Parks & Recreation, Dalee Water Conditioning, D.L.K. Enterprises Inc., First Citizens State Bank, Jessica’s Family Restaurant, Milton Propane Inc., PremierBank, Second Salem Brewing Company, Studio 84, Gus’ Pizza, and Whitewater Manufacturing.
The Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club is made up of dedicated volunteers who help children in the Whitewater community and the world, all with 100 percent of funds raised going directly to projects and zero to administrative costs. Each year, the club distributes approximately $20,000, with over half going to the Whitewater Unified School District, including Ferradermis, ELL Summer School Transportation, shoes for students, Badger Boys State and Badger Girls State, and scholarships. Kiwanis helped to build and maintain the Flowing Well Shelter, the shelter and accessible playground at Starin Park and Treyton’s Field of Dreams, the WHS football field lights and press box, as well as adopting a highway to clean up. In addition, the group donates to the Whitewater Youth Soccer Club, the Friends of the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center Family Partnership Fund, the Whitewater Food Pantry, Bethel House and more.
Funds are raised through annual Pancake Breakfasts that have been served continuously since the 1950s, the Discover Whitewater Series Half-Marathon Pancake Breakfast since it began, and yearly poinsettia and lily plant sales. More information can be found on the Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club Facebook page.