Janesville Craig Invitational
On Saturday December 14th the Whitewater Whippet gymnastics team traveled to Janesville Craig High School to compete in an eight-team invitational. The gymnasts had a successful meet scoring a team score of 111.225. The highlights of the meet include Junior Jenna Caldwell scoring a record high on Vault with an 8.2. Freshman Halee Peters made significant improvement on the Vault and Balance Beam scoring an 8.2 on the Vault and an 8.27 on the Balance Beam. Lastly, Freshman Maddy Donnelly scored a 7.8 on the Vault along Caleigh Yang scoring a 7.4 making these their highest scores of the season thus far. These Whitewater Whippet athletes will be back in action on Tuesday January 7th in a home dual against Jefferson. Come on out and support your Whitewater Whippet gymnasts!! Goooo Whippets!!