Hale O Malo Brings Hands-On Hawaiian Culture to the Library

Community members of all ages are invited to “Hale O Malo” at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library on Tuesday, July 11 at 6:00 p.m. Malia Chow hosts “Hands on Hawaii,” a cultural entertainment demonstration & hands-on show and tell. This interactive program uses authentic cultural artifacts such as lava rocks, sea turtle shells, and traditional Hawaiian dance implements as a catalyst for education, fun, and culture.  Participants will observe ancient, traditional, and contemporary Hawaiian dance, and be given a dance lesson too!  They’ll hear the blowing of the conch, the sounds of ancient drums, and the strumming of the ukulele. Environmental awareness is interwoven throughout this interactive and engaging program.

This is a free, family-friendly event and no registration is required. The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library is located at 431 W. Center Street in Whitewater. Contact Sarah French with questions at sfrench@whitewater-wi.gov or 262-458-2782. For a full listing of the library’s summer events and information about the Summer Reading Program, visit whitewaterlibrary.org.

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