Common Council receives City Manager’s 2021 budget proposal

By Lisa Dawsey Smith
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

City Manager Cameron Clapper presented his 2021 budget proposal to the Common Council at its October 6 meeting. The balanced budget would project revenues and expenses at $9,641,209, a 2.4% decrease compared with the 2020 budget. Clapper and Finance Director Steve Hatton alternated in providing a relatively brief overview of the proposal, acknowledging that a major uncertainty is the degree of shared revenue that will be received from the state of Wisconsin. Intergovernmental revenues, largely from the state, represent approximately 47% of the city’s receipts. In view of the possible economic impact of the pandemic on state revenues from sales and income taxes, it is feared that municipal payments will be reduced.

The Capital Improvement Projects portion of the budget includes a $350,000 reserve towards a future purchase of a ladder truck for the Fire Department, design work for major street improvements on Yoder Lane and E. Main Street, an evidence garage for the Police Department, a new street sweeper, a combination jetter truck for the Wastewater Department, a backup generator for water well #8, and storm water improvements at Walworth Avenue and Douglas Court.

The Finance Committee will review the proposed budget in detail in meetings on October 8, 13, and 14, and the final proposal will come back to the Council on November 5.

In other business:

  • Eric Boettcher, Director of Parks & Recreation, announced the plans for trick or treating, with recommended safety precautions, on October 31 from 4-7 p.m. It is suggested that residents who do not wish to participate should leave their porch light off.
  • Cameron Clapper announced that a product called IWave that removes viruses and allergens from the air is being installed in the air handling systems at the library, the municipal building, and many other city buildings.
  • Mwita Binagi was appointed to the Police and Fire Commission.
  • New council member Greg Majkrzak II was appointed to the Finance Committee and Alcohol Licensing Committee.
  • It was decided, in view of the high level of COVID-19 cases in the area, to continue holding city meetings virtually. The matter will be revisited at the November 5 meeting.
  • It was decided to decline to sell Lot 3B in the Whitewater Business Park to a business that would store trucks and other vehicles and only employ two people.

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