By Lisa Dawsey Smith
Whitewater Banner staff
At its August 18 virtual meeting the Common Council adopted a substantially revised Equal Opportunities Commission ordinance. Such an ordinance has existed for over a decade; however, the commission established under that ordinance was only to be constituted in case a complaint of discrimination was filed. No such complaint has been filed in anyone’s memory, so far as is known. The newly constituted commission will be a standing commission, with City Manager Cameron Clapper indicating that he anticipates that it will be a proactive body. The goal will be to help to ensure that Whitewater is a welcoming, affirming and inclusive community, and to contribute to the elimination of racism and other forms of discrimination. A first priority will be a review of city services; in particular, those of the Police Department. The commission will be composed of one or two councilmembers and five to six citizens who may live and/or work in the city or live in the school district. Applications to serve on the commission will soon be solicited.
Also approved at the meeting was an authorization to sell city-owned property via auction, namely, Swenson bottom salter for single axle patrol; brand new / never used track snow blower; job truck #417 (old fire truck) and two Crown Victoria automobiles.
The meeting was held on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment to the Constitution,which gave women the right to vote. City Manager Cameron Clapper read a proclamation recognizing the anniversary, noting that Wisconsin was the first state, by a margin of minutes, to ratify the amendment.