Community Listening Session for the UW-Whitewater Chancellor Search & Screen Committee

When: Wednesday, Feb 6 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm 

Where: In the Atrium at the Innovation Center (1221 Innovation Dr, Whitewater, WI 53190). 

Why: The Search and Screen Committee wants to hear from the Whitewater Community so that we can learn the priorities and attributes the community would like to see in the next UW-Whitewater Chancellor. ALL are invited. Spanish translation will be available! Toppers will be served (free to everyone!)

We’ll be gathering in small groups to provide feedback to the Search and Screen Committee on these questions: 

  1. What characteristics, attributes or strengths are you seeking in the new Chancellor?
  2. What characteristics are required and which would be nice to have?  Which are most important or essential?
  3. What challenges or opportunities does UW-Whitewater face and what particular characteristics and attributes would help the successful candidate address these issues?
  4. What are the top three-five UW-Whitewater selling points?  Why should candidates be excited about coming to UW-Whitewater? 

Questions? Please contact Kelly Davis, Community/Alumni Representative to the Chancellor Search & Screen Committee at 262-203-1999 or via email:

Sesión de escucha para el Comité de Búsqueda y Selección del Rector de UW-Whitewater

Cuándo: Miércoles, el 6 de febrero de 5:30-7:00

Dónde: El patio interior del Centro de Innovación (1221 Innovation Drive, Whitewater, WI  53190)

Por qué: El Comité de Búsqueda y Selección quiere saber las ideas de la Comunidad de Whitewater para que pueda aprender de las prioridades y los atributos que la comunidad quisiera ver en el próximo Rector de la Universidad de Wisconsin-Whitewater. Todos están invitados. ¡Habrá un traductor de español! Pizza de Topper’s será servida (¡gratis para todos!).

Estaremos reuniéndonos en grupos pequeños para proveer comentarios al Comité de Búsqueda y Selección sobre las siguientes preguntas:

  1. ¿Cuáles son las características, los atributos o las fortalezas que busquen en el nuevo Rector?
  2. ¿Cuáles son las características que consideran ser requisitos y cuáles son las que vendrían bien que tuviera? ¿Cuáles son las más importantes o esenciales?
  3. ¿Cuáles son los desafíos que enfrenta la Universidad y cuáles son las oportunidades que tiene? ¿Cuáles son las características y los atributos que ayudarían al candidato exitoso acercarse a estos desafíos y oportunidades?
  4. ¿Cuáles son los tres puntos de venta más salientes de UW-Whitewater? ¿Por qué deben los candidatos estar emocionados de venirse a UW-Whitewater?

¿Preguntas?: Pónganse en contacto con Kelly Davis, Representante de la Comunidad y de Antiguos Alumnos de la Universidad en el Comité de Búsqueda y Selección del Rector de UW-Whitewater: Teléfono: 262-203-1999; Correo electrónico:

Whitewater Unified Schools closed on Thursday, January 31

From District Administrator, Mark Elworthy:

All district schools will be closed on Thursday, January 31 due to a Wind Chill Warning. All after-school activities and athletic events for Thursday are also cancelled. Please check the district website and media outlets for additional information.

Todas las escuelas del distrito estarán cerradas el jueves 31 de enero debido a una advertencia de viento frío. Todas las actividades extraescolares y los eventos deportivos del jueves también se cancelan. Por favor, consulte el sitio web del distrito y los medios de comunicación para obtener información adicional.

SCHOLARLY SCOOP: Eco-Struggles and Successes in Indian Country

Friday, February 1, 10:30 am

The talk focuses on recent and ongoing environmental justice conflicts in Indian Country, though indigenous struggles and resistance span centuries. Cases facing Native communities in the Great Lakes region form the main context before connecting us with communities downriver in the Louisiana bayous and Gulf of Mexico. We are intimately tied to others in the Mississippi River watershed even if we may be unaware of the connections. Interconnectedness permeates an indigenous worldview and opens dialogue about responsibilities we all share to care for the planet and people.

C. Holly Denning, M.A. (ABD), is Senior Lecturer at UW-Whitewater in the Department of Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology.

Please register in advance if you will be attending.

Assassinations in the U.S. and World History

The cancelled History lectures are rescheduled as follows:

Join Dr. Richard Haney, Emeritus UW-W, for interesting and informative history talks Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Thanks to UW-W Continuing Education Department for funding the series. Please call if you will be attending.

  • Feb 6: Nazis and Communists: Assassination as a “Life[?]-Style”
  • Feb 13: Don’t Forget These: Crazy Horse, Rabin, Sadat, Gandhi, John Lennon and More

The Community Space to serve as emergency community shelter

The Community Space will be OPEN as an emergency community shelter beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29.

The address is 834 E. Milwaukee Street in Whitewater. Please contact Cindy at 262-269-0892 if you are a person or family in need and have questions. Once we know if we have people using the shelter, we will put out the word for needed supplies such as blankets, sleeping bags, cots, etc.

Pass the word! And thank you Whitewater!

Weather related closings in Whitewater

Whitewater Unified Schools are closed on Tuesday (1/29) beginning at 6 PM and all day Wednesday (1/30)

Given the unprecedented cold weather forecast for Wisconsin this week, UW-Whitewater has canceled all classes, events and programs at the Whitewater and Rock County campuses beginning at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29 until 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 1.  Campus buildings will remain open.

Seniors in the Park is closed January 30th and 31st due to expected weather conditions.

Due to the weather predictions, The Discover Whitewater Tourism/Chamber will be closed Wednesday. We are sorry for the imposition.

All PremierBank locations will be closed on January 30 and on the morning of January 31. All locations will re-open at noon on Thursday.

WUSD Schools Closed from January 29 at 6 pm through January 30.

From District Administrator Mark Elworthy:

All district schools will be closed starting at 6 PM on Tuesday, January 29 as well as Wednesday, January 30 due to a Wind Chill Warning. All after-school activities and athletic events for Wednesday are also cancelled. Please check the district website and media outlets for additional information.  

Todas las escuelas del distrito estarán cerradas a partir de las 6 PM el martes 29 de enero y el miércoles 30 de enero debido a una advertencia de viento frío. Todas las actividades extraescolares y los eventos deportivos del miércoles también se cancelan. Por favor, consulte el sitio web del distrito y los medios de comunicación para obtener información adicional.  

UW-Whitewater cancels classes, campus events, and programs

Classes canceled from 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29 until 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 1

Given the unprecedented cold weather forecast for Wisconsin this week, UW-Whitewater has canceled all classes, events and programs at the Whitewater and Rock County campuses beginning at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29 until 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 1.  Campus buildings will remain open.

Employees who cannot make it safely to work should contact their supervisors and request appropriate leave.

During this extreme weather incident, or whenever you need help, please remember that the University Police are an excellent resource. You can reach them at 262-472-4660 and they will help you. In an emergency or life-threatening incident always call 911.

Because of the predicted extreme temperatures and wind chill, it is advised that if you must go outside that you dress properly. See for more information. Remember, in these extreme temperatures, bare skin that is exposed to the air can become frostbitten in less than 15 minutes. Please exercise caution.

Need a hat or other warm gear? The Community Space at 834 E. Milwaukee in Whitewater has coats, hats, gloves and other items available to pick up free of charge. If you have warm items to contribute, you can leave them in the vestibule, which is open 24 hours a day. For more information:

In Rock County, you can find resources at

Weather Closings for January 28, 2019

WUSD Schools Closed on Monday, January 28

From District Administrator Mark Elworthy:

All district schools will be closed Monday, January 28 due to the significant accumulation of snow predicted to impact road conditions. All after-school activities and athletic events for Monday are also cancelled. Please check the district website and media outlets for additional information.  

Todas las escuelas del distrito estarán cerradas el lunes 28 de enero debido a la acumulación de nieve pronosticada que afectará las condiciones de las carreteras. Todas las actividades extraescolares y los eventos deportivos del lunes también se cancelan. Por favor, consulte el sitio web del distrito y los medios de comunicación para obtener información adicional.  

Seniors in the Park, Closed January 28, 2019

Seniors in the Park will be closed on Monday, January 28, 2019 due to weather.