UW-W Theatre/Dance Dept. Presents “Angel Street”

UW-Whitewater Theatre/Dance Department presents a spine-tingling thriller, Angel Street (Gaslight), written by Patrick Hamilton and directed by Kymberly Mellen May 1-4 at 7:30 p.m. and matinees on May 1 at 10:00 a.m. and May 5 at 2:00 p.m. in Barnett Theatre. Angel Street is one of the greatest thrillers ever written and pulls back the curtain on the suavely handsome Jack Manningham who has slowly been driving his devoted wife Bella to the edge of insanity with seemingly overt kindness and concern. Tickets are on sale: General Admission $12, Over 65 $10, Under 18 $7.50, and UW-W students with valid ID $5.50. Tickets can be purchased by calling (262) 472-2222, online at tickets.uww.edu or visiting the box office with two locations, Greenhill Center of the Arts, 950 W. Main Street or the James R. Connor University Center Ticket and Information desk, hours are M-F 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. * Be advised, this play contains themes of abuse.

The director Kymberly Mellen has this to say about what makes this play relevant today. “The play’s premise and depiction of gaslighting were powerful enough to coin a term used commonly today. If we do our job right as contemporary story-tellers, this play, set in 1880, may remind you of 2019 relationships and people you know. Perhaps you have interacted with individuals so practiced in their gaslighting techniques that you have doubted their capacity for damage until it was too late.”  

“Why here? Why now? Because there are still relationships and marriages where psychological gaslighting makes people doubt their own reality, turning the fingers of shame and blame towards themselves. Angel Street is a vigorous narrative of finding one’s own power through the unexpected efforts and kindness of strangers. It is my hope that after seeing Jack’s tactics laid bare, we will be inspired by Bella’s recovery and courage.”

The cast includes: Simon McGhee as Mr. Jack Manningham with understudy Steven Kornkven, Carlee Wuchterl as Mrs. Bella Manningham with understudy Samantha Pinchard, Sam Bochat as Detective Rough with understudy Nathan Broege, Alexa Farrell as Nancy with understudy Ivy Steege, Kory Friend as Elizabeth with understudy Jamie Love, Policeman #1 Nathan Broege, and Police # 2  Steven Kornkven. The production crew includes: Alexander Carey, stage manager; Jon Mickel, student sound designer/composer; Nicolas Sole, student lighting designer, and Megan Grove as student set designer assistant.

The cast recently participated in an intensive stage combat workshop. They worked closely with fight choreographer D.C. Wright to create dramatic fight scenes and moments of intimacy. As a cast, they studied the patterns of psychological abuse in romantic relationships to produce an accurate portrait of an abusive relationship.

“Audience can expect a night of whodunnit near-melodrama with its requisite plot reversals, surprises, near misses, and mistaken identities. But they will also be surprised by the nuanced characterizations, sensuality, and humor in the play. It should keep the audience on the edge of their seats.  The student sound designer, Jon Mickel, is composing an original score for the play,” reveals director Kym Mellen.

The Theatre/Dance Department is dedicated to producing high quality, entertaining productions showcasing the talent of theatre majors, and a variety of other students. The department is designed to give students a real-world experience; costumes, sets and lights are often designed by students, giving them the opportunity to apply their craft. Every school year faculty and students produce six shows and a smaller Summeround season. To find additional information about the department, visit their website at http://www.uww.edu/cac/theatre-dance or find them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UWWTheatreDance.

The Theatre/Dance Department 2018-19 Season is sponsored by the Daily Union, 940AM/WFAW and, 1230AM/92.7FM/WCLO .

If you have a disability and desire accommodations, please advise us as early as possible. Requests are confidential. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA requirements. Please contact Audra Lange (262) 472-5943 for further information.

School Board: Judd Re-elected President; WHS Girls’ Softball Field Named Tim Hering Diamond

The Whitewater Unified School District Board on April 23 unanimously re-elected Casey Judd as its president during its post-election reorganizational meeting. Monday marked the start of Judd’s fifth year as board president.

The Late Tim Hering

With a unanimous vote, the Board approved naming Whitewater’s Girls’ Softball Field as Tim Hering Diamond. Hering was softball coach at the high school, where he taught various math courses, for 27 years. Hering initiated the team in 1979, and coached it in six state tournaments. He retired in 2005 and passed away in 2016. For more in the Daily Union article by Chris Welch click here.

Ex-UWW Chancellor’s Husband Accused of Sexually Harassing at Least 7 Women, Probe Finds

An investigation into the husband of former UW-W Chancellor Beverly Kopper found that at least seven students or staff reported being sexually harassed by him, records released on April 19 showed. Her husband, Alan “Pete” Hill, was banned from campus and stripped of his ceremonial title in June after an earlier investigation identified three women who said he harassed them. The second investigation was opened in September amid more allegations and it was completed in December. The university released the 18-page investigative report and about 850 pages of attachments…in response to an open records request from the Associated Press and other media outlets. For more from Fox News click here.

“Probe: Up to 10 students, staff harassed at Whitewater” – For more from AP News click here.

Janesville Gazette’s Our Views: “Report portrays Kopper’s surprising incompetence.” The editorial includes references to a rebuttal from Dr. Kopper. For more information click here.

Maxine Claire (Pluckhan) Schaller passed away peacefully on Friday April 12, 2019 at the age of 90.

She graduated from Juneau High School in Juneau, WI before going on to earn a teaching degree from Whitewater State Teachers College. She married Daniel C. Schaller in 1950, who also attended Whitewater. She loved to tell the story that in college they had to sit alphabetically, so she sat between Pitts and Potts !!!

Maxine was a phenomenal mother and an accomplished woman, surrounded by many who loved her dearly.   She was a devout member of Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Tucson, AZ.  She attained her private pilots license in the early 60’s, loved to travel and doted on her 4 grandchildren. Maxine retired from Hughes Aircraft and then went on to substitute teaching until she finally retired in 2008.

Maxine was always up for an adventure; she traveled to Europe a few times, took many excursions with her children and grandchildren and even went whitewater rafting for her 80th birthday!  She is now on her greatest adventure ever. She will be greatly missed…There will be a small service for family & friends at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.

Washington Elementary “Warm Feet for Warriors”

Washington Elementary Student Council is hosting a SOCK DRIVE in association with the organization Warm Feet for Warriors! The public is invited to help in our efforts to collect NEW ADULT socks for active servicemen and women. Socks can be donated at Washington Elementary between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 

Friends of Whitewater Aquatic Center and School District Food Drive

The Friends of Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center (WAFC) is thankful to all of the students from Lincoln Elementary School, Washington Elementary School and Lakeview Elementary School who brought in two canned food donations for the Whitewater Food Pantry in conjunction with receiving a free day-pass to the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center.

“One of our goals is to encourage people of all ages from Whitewater to use the great fitness center and swimming pool that we have right here in Whitewater. The Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center is a treasure, and we are glad that so many children participated in the food drive that will also benefit other people in our community,” said Ron Binning, President of the Friends of WAFC.

Banco Insurance Agency will also donate a pizza party to one class from each school that had the most participants in the food drive.“Banco Insurance Agency is pleased to participate in this great community project that benefits everyone involved,” said Kasey Reed, Treasurer of the Friends of WAFC.

The Friends of WAFC is made up of members of the community who support the WAFC to maintain and improve the services provided with the goal of bettering the lifelong health and fitness of the citizens of the Whitewater area. 2016-17 was a transition year for the Aquatic Center, as Whitewater Parks and Recreation took over running the building. Many wonderful additions happened this year, with new fitness equipment installed, painting, new carpeting, and audio-visual equipment.

The Friends of WAFC transitioned to help with the Family Partnership Fund, which makes the pool and fitness room available to everyone in the community, regardless of income. Families that wish to use the center but cannot afford the fees may apply for financial assistance to join. In addition, the Friends Group worked with the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs to provide towels for members to use in the center. Also, donations were made in memory of a Whitewater resident, making it possible for low-income people to access swim lessons at a reduced price. The Friends group also assisted with a new sign that sits near the tennis court to help direct people to the center.

All membership fees and donations to the Friends of WAFC are processed through the Whitewater Community Foundation, a partner in managing the funds that the Friends raise and distribute to the Whitewater Aquatic Center.
Friends of WAFC can be reached via email at friendsofwac@gmail.com.

WMS Word Masters Challenge Winners

The WordMasters Challenge™ is a vocabulary competition based on completing analogies. Whitewater Middle School has received the final cumulative results from this year’s events.

Congratulations to the top scoring students for the 2017-18 school year. They are: Caleigh Yang, Sophie Walton, Zuri Goldsmith, Henry Mortimer, Liz Ngabo, Jack Cohen, Reese Brantmeier, Madison Strickler, Cosette Wildermuth-Breitzman, and Savannah Hill.

Special recognition and a medal go to Caleigh Yang for having the top score at WMS and proving that it does pay to study the words.

Winter Weather Advisory In Effect From 1 pm Wednesday To 4 am Thursday

Whitewater area residents are still digging out from snow over the weekend and a new storm is making its way toward us.

From the National Weather Service:
Winter Weather Advisory In Effect From 1 pm Wednesday To 4 am Thursday.

Total snow accumulations of 2 to 5 inches are expected. Lowest amounts will be toward southeast Wisconsin.

Where: Portions of east central, south central, and southeast Wisconsin

When: From 1 pm Wednesday to 4 am Thursday; Precipitation may begin as a wintry mix before changing to snow

Additional details: Snow may be heavy at times. Plan on reduced visibility and slippery road conditions, including during the afternoon commute on Wednesday.

Precautionary/preparedness actions: A winter weather advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving.

The latest road conditions for the State you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5-1-1.

Memory Café Meeting, April 9 at Irvin L. Young Memorial Library

The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, will host a monthly Memory Café for individuals who are living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), early-stage Alzheimer’s or other dementia, and their care partners. This free social event will be held on the second Monday of every month in the Library Community Room at 431 W. Center St. in Whitewater, at 10:30 am.

The next meeting will be April 9th. The theme will be “Telling Your Stories” with collaborative storytelling games.

The Memory Café offers participants a safe and fun way to share their stories and socialize with others who have similar experiences. Learn how staying physically, socially and mentally active is good for the brain.

Registration is required for first-time attendees. Please call 800-272-3900 to register.