Walworth County Senior Dining Still Serving Meals, Take Out Basis Only

(Well, unfortunately due to the social distancing requirement, there may not be much fellowship or fun, but at least there is still food!)

The Senior Nutrition Program – Senior Dining is currently serving meals. The Senior Dining locations are temporarily providing meals on a take out basis only. The following locations are currently serving Monday through Friday: Elkhorn – Sedgemeadow Apartments, Delavan – Lake Comus Apartments, Lake Geneva – The Terraces and Whitewater – Brookdale Apartments. Reservations are still required 1 business day in advance by Noon. Call (262) 741-3333 for reservations or see the dining site manager. 

300 Wisconsin National Guard troops prepare to be deployed to help with COVID-19 outbreak; Troops Observed Arriving at Whitewater Armory

Photos courtesy of Tom Ganser

On the afternoon of Friday, March 20, Tom Ganser photographed a significant number of National Guard members arriving at the Whitewater Armory. Local residents also reported observing Guard members staying at the Super 8 on Friday night. It seems clear that this activity was related to the call up of troops in preparation to assist with the COVID-19 pandemic.

For a story from Channel 3000, “300 Wisconsin National Guard troops prepare to be deployed for help with COVID-19 outbreak”, click here.

For an article, “Here’s the latest National Guard mobilizations by state — more than 3,330 Guardsmen in 28 states” from Military Times, click here.

For a Facebook video with the Wisconsin National Guard Adjutant General explaining their role now that the Governor has declared a Public Health Emergency click here and look at the March 20 post.

An Undesired Trifecta: First Confirmed COVID-19 Case in Jefferson County Means All Three of “Our” Counties Are Directly Affected with 6 Cases in Total

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Jefferson County on Thursday, March 19, according to the Jefferson County Health Department. The patient has been cooperative in assisting the health department with contact tracing, they said in a press release.

The patient was tested at a facility outside of Jefferson County but is a resident of Jefferson County. The patient recently traveled domestically and is self-quarantined at home and is being monitored.

Meanwhile, Walworth County confirmed a third case of COVID-19 on Friday, March 20 and officials said it showed evidence of community spread of the coronavirus. Community spread means an infected person had no exposure to a known case of COVID-19 and did not travel to a place with known community spread. Two of the county’s three positive cases had no known contact with confirmed cases and had not traveled to an area with community spread, Walworth County Division of Public Health officials said in a news release Friday.

Rock County also had a second confirmed case, a 29-year-old, identified on Friday, March 20, bringing the total in our extended area to six.

Officials urged social distancing as an effective way to limit the spread of the virus. They recommend staying home as much as possible, avoiding public places and staying six feet away from other people during activities such as grocery shopping.

The Jefferson County Health Department and area health care providers are partnering together to complete contact tracing and follow-up guidance.

“We are in daily contact with this individual to monitor their symptoms and ensure they are receiving the support they need to be able to continue isolation at home,” said Gail Scott, director of Jefferson County Health Department. “Jefferson County Health Department is ready to deal with an increased number of cases. We will continue to work with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and our local partners, to assure our community remains safe and healthy,”

Fort HealthCare has also been preparing for the potential spread of coronavirus in the community.

“We are prepared to handle the potential increase of patients while maintaining and providing ongoing care for non-Coronavirus patients.” Mike Wallace, president and CEO of Fort HealthCare “The spread of COVID-19 puts us on heightened alert to expand our processes to keep our community and employees safe.”

Wallace said the hospital is working closely with the Jefferson County Health Department and under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, as well as other healthcare partners to monitor, plan and respond to COVID-19. “Throughout the past few weeks, our team has been working diligently to ensure the safety of our patients, team, and the communities we serve,” Wallace said.

The health department is continuing to identify and contact anyone who has been in close contact with a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19. These people are asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days and are monitored for fever and respirator systems.

he situation with COVID-19 continues to rapidly evolve. Those who are experiencing a fever, cough or shortness of breath should contact their primary care provider in advance of visiting or do a virtual health visit at e+CARE at www.forthealthcare.com/ecare/ to screen for COVID-19. Those who have been exposed and are symptomatic are tested for COVID-19.

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid exposure to the virus. Clean hands often, avoid close contact, cover coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect and practice social distancing by staying home if at all possible.

WUSD Acknowledges the District Will Likely Be Closed Beyond April 6; Remote Education Resumes After Next Week’s Spring Break

The following letter was sent to families of all WUSD students on March 20.

Dear Families:

Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding during this school closure caused by COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus Virus). Governor Evers originally ordered schools closed until April 6. Recently, he extended that order to say that schools will be closed for the duration of the public health emergency. It is now likely that the Whitewater Unified School District will be closed beyond April 6. It is important for families and schools to plan and be prepared for a longer closure.

This week, we began the new challenge of educating students remotely. Whitewater teachers began online instruction for high school and middle school students and provided elementary students and parents with learning materials and packets. Home-based educational services will be suspended during spring break, Saturday, March 21 to Sunday, March 29.  Services will resume on March 30.

Home-based education is a challenge for all of us, but perhaps even more so for parents and guardians. We view parents and guardians as our partners in meeting this challenge.  We know there will be glitches in our first attempts in educating students remotely and communicating with parents and guardians. Please be assured that every WUSD educator is making a good faith effort to provide needed services to all children. Thanks for your patience, understanding, and continuing cooperation.

Please note that WUSD’s distribution of food for students and children will also be suspended during spring break. Distribution will resume on March 30. A number of community groups are providing food to families and community members.  To learn more about these resources, visit our website: https://www.wwusd.org/covid-19.

During the District closure, schools will not be answering their phones.  The best way to contact the school is via email. If you are running into problems logging into resources, please contact your student’s teacher.


Dr. Jim Shaw, PhD
District Administrator

Estimadas Familias:

Gracias a todos por su cooperación y comprensión durante el cierre de esta escuela causado por COVID-19 (Nuevo virus del coronavirus). El gobernador Evers originalmente ordenó el cierre de las escuelas hasta el 6 de abril. Recientemente, extendió esa orden para decir que las escuelas permanecerán cerradas mientras dure la emergencia de salud pública. Ahora es probable que el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Whitewater permanezca cerrado más allá del 6 de abril. Es importante que las familias y las escuelas planifiquen y estén preparadas para un cierre más largo.

Esta semana, comenzamos el nuevo desafío de educar a los estudiantes de forma remota. Los maestros de Whitewater comenzaron la instrucción en línea para estudiantes de high school y middle school, y proporcionaron a los estudiantes de primaria y padres materiales y paquetes de aprendizaje. Servicios educativos basados en el hogar se suspenderán durante las vacaciones de primavera, el sábado, 21 de marzo al domingo, 29 de marzo. Servicios se reanudará el 30 de marzo.

La educación basado en el hogar es un desafío para todos nosotros, pero quizás aún más para los padres y tutores. Vemos a los padres y tutores como nuestros socios para enfrentar este desafío. Sabemos que habrá problemas técnicos en nuestros primeros intentos de educar a los estudiantes de forma remota y con el comunicar con los padres y tutores. Tenga la seguridad de que cada educador de WUSD está haciendo un esfuerzo de buena fe para proporcionar los servicios necesarios a todos los niños. Gracias por su paciencia, comprensión y cooperación continua.

Tenga en cuenta que la distribución de alimentos de WUSD para estudiantes y niños también se suspenderá durante las vacaciones de primavera. La distribución se reanudará el 30 de marzo. Varios grupos comunitarios están proporcionando alimentos a familias y miembros de la comunidad. Para obtener más información sobre estos recursos, visite nuestro sitio web:  https://www.wwusd.org/covid-19.

Durante el cierre del Distrito, las escuelas no contestarán sus teléfonos. La mejor manera de contactar a la escuela es por correo electrónico. Si tiene problemas para llegar a los recursos, comuníquese con el maestro de su hijo.


Dr. Jim Shaw, PhD

Administrador del Distrito


Deposits Are Safe in Federally Insured Financial Institutions

MADISON, Wis. – In light of the ongoing developments related to the current COVID-19 virus and its impact on financial markets, Governor Tony Evers alongside the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) are reminding Wisconsinites the safest place to keep their money is in FDIC-insured banks and NCUA-insured credit unions. Gov. Evers is also cautioning individuals to remain vigilant against COVID-19-related scams.

“I’m confident that our financial institutions will be able to deliver necessary financial services to Wisconsinites throughout this pandemic,” said Gov. Evers. “The Federal Reserve has taken several steps since the start of this crisis to boost the economy and to ensure that the system has adequate liquidity.”

The Federal Reserve announced today several actions to further enhance the provision of U.S. dollar liquidity. Learn more here. In addition, the Federal Reserve, FDIC, NCUA, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors in a joint statement urged financial institutions to meet the needs of customers affected by COVID-19.

Some financial institutions have adjusted hours or services to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing; however, financial institutions continue to offer ATM, mobile, or online banking services, and services via appointment or drive-through windows.

“During these unprecedented times, Wisconsinites may receive false information regarding the security of their deposits or their ability to access cash,” said DFI Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld. “Wisconsinites should be cautious of any person contacting them claiming to be employed by an agency, financial institution, or another entity, because these organizations won’t contact people asking for money or personal details, such as bank account information, credit and debit card numbers, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, or passwords.”

These scams may involve a variety of communication channels, including emails, phone calls, letters, text messages, faxes, and social media. These scams seek personal information that can be used to commit fraud or sell a person’s identity. Consumers should not provide this information and contact Wisconsin’s Consumer Protection Hotline at DATCPHotline@Wisconsin.gov or (800) 422-7128.

The chicks have arrived at Winchester True Value Hardware

The chicks have arrived at Winchester True Value Hardware. Nine different varieties are here. We have Brahma, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Black Australopithecus, Americana, Buff Orpington, Sapphire Gem, and assorted Polish Crested chickens. In the city of Whitewater you may be allowed to have up to six egg laying chickens, but you must obtain a permit. We have the supplies to get you started. We are open Monday thru Friday 8 am to 7 pm Saturday 8 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm. We hope to see you soon.

Chris Munz-Pritchard, Whitewater Neighborhood Services Director, told the Banner that citizens wishing to have chickens should be certain to review the Backyard Chicken Ordinance, and must submit an application no later than June 1, 2020 to: City of Whitewater Neighborhood Services, P. O. Box 178, Whitewater, WI 53190. Most importantly, you must not have roosters, and the chickens must be kept in a safe, CLEAN place.

The City of Whitewater’s Backyard Chicken Ordinance may be found here https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/216/Backyard-Chicken-Ordinance-PDF?bidId=

The city’s Chicken Permit Application form is available here: https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/221/Chicken-Permit-Application-Form-PDF?bidId= (Although the document includes a “submit form” button, that capability is not yet live.)

McCullough’s Announces the Closing of McCullough’s Prescriptions and Gifts

We have made the difficult decision to close our retail pharmacy and gift department (McCullough’s Prescriptions and Gifts) located at 1173 W. Main St. in Whitewater. The staff at McCullough’s Prescriptions and Gifts would like to thank all of the loyal customers who have supported our business throughout these past 38 years in Whitewater.

As of Friday, March 20, the retail prescription files will be transferred from McCullough’s in Whitewater to Walgreens in Whitewater (1041 W. Main St., Phone: 262-472-0238). The retail prescription files from McCullough’s in Walworth will be transferred to Walgreens in Delavan (445 S. Wright St., Phone: 262-728-3999).

McCullough’s Long-Term Care (LTC) Pharmacy in Whitewater will continue to serve the residents of skilled nursing and assisted living communities but will not be open to the general public.

We are working diligently to ensure a smooth transition of pharmacy records to Walgreens. Thank you again for your support of our business over the years.

Bob McCullough
Grant McCullough

School Board Thank You for COVID-19 Response

Dear Administrators, Teachers and Staff of the Whitewater Unified School District,

In this unprecedented and uncertain time, you have inspired our entire community with the care and support you have shown for everybody in our district – students, families, and one another. You have made difficult decisions and implemented previously-unimaginable changes that ensure our students can continue to learn and remain healthy during this time of social isolation.  Most importantly, though, you have modeled the care that brings a community even closer together. Our students look to us every day for reassurances big and small, and through this crisis you have cheerfully and relentlessly supported children while working through your own feelings. Thank you for giving your all, both emotionally and physically.

We are grateful for your ongoing commitment to educating, inspiring and empowering our students with flexibility, creativity, and compassion. We wish you and your families the very best for the coming weeks, and will continue to support you in every way we can.


Casey Judd, President
School Board of the Whitewater Unified School District

Rock County Reports First Positive Case of COVID-19

3/19/20 – The Rock County Public Health Department announced today that there is one confirmed positive COVID-19 case in Rock County. This individual is 57 years old and is in isolation at home. There is no known direct contact with a positive case, although there is known travel to attend an event in Chicago. Out of respect for the patient’s privacy, no additional information will be provided. “We are in contact with this individual and will directly notify close contacts with additional guidance,“ said Marie-Noel Sandoval, Health Officer.

The Rock County Public Health Department is closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation and is prepared to address an increasing number of cases. “We continue collaborating with our local, state, and federal partners to minimize the impact on our community. Please do your part by following suspensions and recommendations“, said Marie-Noel Sandoval, Health Officer.

To reduce the risk of getting sick, we advise everyone to follow these simple steps:
 Practice social distancing
 Frequent and thorough handwashing with soap and water
 Cover coughs and sneezes
 Avoid touching your face
 Stay home when you are sick

The Banner’s perspective: There has been a confirmed case now in both Rock and Walworth counties. It is essentially a sure thing that Whitewater will have someone with a confirmed infection before long; in fact, chances are that there is already one (or more) unidentified case in our community. Your cooperation with all of the recommended precautions is very important, especially staying home as much as possible, and always maintaining at least 6 feet from anyone other than your household members.

Jeffrey D. Krebs, 50, Waukesha, passed away at his home on March 16, 2020

Jeffrey D. Krebs, 50, Waukesha, passed away at his home on March 16, 2020.  Jeff was born on December 24, 1969 in Fort Atkinson, WI to Donald E. and Geraldine (Snyder) Krebs.  He is survived by his sisters Nancy Stoughton, Waukesha, WI, Kathy (Russ) Carroll, Milton ,WI, Mary (Ken) Simmons, Milton, WI; brother Gary Krebs, Delavan, WI.

“You dived into the oceans.  You climbed the high mountains.  I know you are still out there.  You finally made it to the stars.  You said you were “awesome”, and that was “precisely” right.  That will always be with us. Now a part of our hearts.  I want to say we love you and miss you little brother.  Until we meet again.  This was sent with warm feelings from your family and friends.

No services will be held at this time.

Nitardy Funeral Home, Whitewater is assisting the family.