UW-Whitewater College of Arts and Communication
(Whitewater, WI) Sometimes the right perspective is all that matters. Kate(K8) Prange, a lecturer in the departments of Art and Design and Media Arts and Game Design (MAGD) at UW-Whitewater said she doesn’t mind adapting to remote learning. “I believe that online teaching is good for all of us to adapt to and learn, as it’s the way of the future. It’s all about perspective and how to run the long race, so to speak,” said Prange.
Prange teaches courses in MAGD, Drawing For Digital Media, Art Studio, Graphic Design, Web Media, and Print Media. To deliver these classes to students remotely she is using Video, Canvas and Slack programs. To make this time valuable and exciting for students she is learning ways that students communicate versus the typical scholarly approach. The student’s final project this semester is to create a social media campaign for a cause. The students get to decide on the cause, and work as a group to finish this assignment.
When asked how she was staying positive and coping with working from home she had one word – CAKE! Her tip for staying motivated: Eat a lot of cake. Prange is making a cake every week as a celebration for making it through their new normal. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and colored jimmies to be specific. In addition, she is creating community through random acts of kindness. “I really think this is a time where we let the students tell us what they need instead of bombarding them with extra asks. I believe it is difficult for them to stay the course right now, let alone ask them to keep up with yet another community. Their communities are natural currently; their friends and family have become their main community. Classes or departments are an extension of that family/friend dynamic.”
Staying excited about this new challenge for Prange includes new ways of thinking and learning. “Again, it’s how one can handle the long haul. It’s like running a race that might not end soon. Pacing and stamina are key.” Some great advice from Kate Prange for everyone navigating the safer at home order. And don’t forget the cake.