Where can school supplies be donated? – Responses to our reader’s question

A reader wrote this to the Banner: “Would it be possible to post an article about how to donate school supplies?  I know many churches and civic organizations do collections this time of year and I’d like to know how I can help.”

The following responses have been received:

The Community Space indicates that although they are not scheduling a special school supply distribution day this year, they are happy to accept any donations of supplies, and will distribute them to anyone who visits. The Community Space is located at 834 E. Milwaukee Street, and they are open Tuesday 8:30-11 a.m., Wednesday 3:30-7 p.m., Thursday 8:30-11 a.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Donors may drive around to the back side of the building, where there is a doorbell to call for assistance.

St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1225 W. Main Street, is encouraging donations of the following items which may be placed in the baskets in the church vestibule or in Berry Hall: Pencils, pens, erasers, backpacks, notebooks, glue sticks, pencil bags, crayons, protractors, colored pencils, flash drives, boxes of Kleenex, hand sanitizer, calculator, markers, headphones, paper, highlighters, rulers, folders, glue, scissors, or any other school supply. Distribution for children will be on Sunday, August 28 at 12:30 p.m. upstairs in Berry Hall. All children are welcome, whether associated with the parish or not.

Por Favor Apoye a Nuestros Estudiantes de San Patricio.Como parroquia podemos ayudar a nuestras familias, ayudando a comprar los útiles escolares. Por favor, considere comprar algunos de los útiles de la lista de abajo y colóquelos en las canastas que se encuentran en el vestíbulo o en Berry Hall. La distribución de los útiles será el domingo, 28 de agosto a las 12:30 PM en el salón parroquial. Todos los niños son bienvenidos sean o no parte de la parroquia. Lápices, plumas, borradores, mochilas, cuadernos, pegamento en tubo, bolsitas para lápices, colores de cera, transportadores, lápices de colores, tarjetas de memoria, cajas de Kleenex, desinfectante de manos, calculadoras, marcadores, audífonos, papel, resaltador, reglas, carpetas, pegamento, tijeras o cualquier otra cosa para la escuela.

We’d encourage any other organizations that are collecting school supplies to send an email to whitewaterbanner@gmail.com, and we’ll add to this compilation. Please provide as much specificity as possible regarding what items are needed.

Editor’s note: We appreciate the use of the image on this page and the homepage by Vinicius Imbroisi from Pixabay.

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