A New Seasonal Feature – Hunters’ & Fishers’ Showcase – First submission is in sports

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

A reader shared this suggestion with the Banner:

“I am writing to offer an idea for you to consider for the future Mid-November issues of the Banner.  Every year when I return to my hometown to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, I am always excited to grab the Clark County Press off the coffee table and pull out the Hunters’ Guide.  This Seasonal sectional to the paper showcases the past year’s hunters and fishers and their success participating in our wonderful outdoor Wisconsin traditions.  A first time hunter with their first deer, a young angler catching their first fish, a family group picture of “buck camp” or “fishing trip,” seasoned veterans landing a big musky, black bear, or whitetail buck…it is always exciting to see friends, family, and neighbors enjoying our great outdoors with family, and inspiring the next generation of Wisconsin Outdoorsmen.  The success isn’t always in or near my hometown either.  Many former members of town (myself included) have sent back photos and stories to share.  I hope you will give the idea some thought and maybe help inspire some of our citizens to get outdoors and join in our wonderfully unique fall traditions!”

We would have been happy to share this reader’s name, but since we haven’t received permission to do so, you’ll have to ponder whether you know someone who hails from Clark County.

We’re happy to try this idea, so we encourage sportspeople to submit photos and/or stories related to your 2020 outdoor experiences. Although some of the stories will likely be featured in our “news” area, most will probably be found in the “sports” section. In particular we will not be featuring photos on our homepage that some non-hunters/fishers may prefer not to see. Let the boasting begin! Send your submissions to whitewaterbanner@gmail.com. Thanks.

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