WUSD Press Release regarding School Board decisions on instructional models

WUSD School Board Approves Elementary In-Person and Secondary Hybrid Model

WHITEWATER, Wis. Sept. 24 — At its Wednesday, September 23 meeting, the School Board of the
Whitewater Unified School District voted to approve full in-person attendance at the elementary
level beginning Monday, September 28. At the secondary level (grades 6-12), a hybrid model of
in-person attendance two days per week will begin Monday, October 12. Until then, the middle
and high schools will maintain the current instructional model of primarily virtual with
small-group, in-person attendance.

For elementary students who requested transportation, route information will be posted to the
Infinite Campus/Parent Portal by tomorrow. A communication will be sent to families once it is
posted. Students in grades 6-12 who are attending for targeted, small-group instruction will
receive a call directly from Nelson’s Bus Service or the District with updated pick up times.

The next School Board level review of the instructional model will occur on Monday, October 26,
for possible implementation on Monday, November 2.

The Board also approved suspending utilization of a community-level metric. Instead, the
District will follow localized metrics to determine when a specific classroom or school shifts to
virtual learning. This will be the result of confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 among students
and staff. Additionally, there may be instances when a classroom or school needs to shift tovirtual instruction due to staff absences and availability of substitutes.

Families of middle and high school students will receive a survey on Monday, September 28
that will include details about the hybrid model with a requested response by Wednesday,
September 30 at 5:00 p.m. The hybrid model for grades 6-12 will consist of two cohorts attending
on a rotating basis. For example, the first cohort would attend in-person on Mondays and
Wednesdays with the second cohort attending in-person on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Virtual
instruction via Google Classroom will be provided when students are not attending in-person.
Friday will consist of virtual, synchronous (live with a teacher online) instruction as well targeted,
small-group, in-person instruction for students with disabilities and those with English Learner

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