WUSD Issues Statement Regarding Recent Media Report on WHS Principal

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

An article was published in The Gazette on October 26, titled “Police: Whitewater principal allegedly tackled student toilet-papering his home.” The alleged incident occurred at Whitewater High School Principal Brent Mansky’s home in Williams Bay and was investigated by that village’s police department.

According to the Gazette article, “The principal of Whitewater High School allegedly tackled a Williams Bay High School student and put him in a chokehold for toilet-papering his home, police records show. The students involved told police they had permission from Williams Bay High School to toilet paper designated houses in the neighborhood where Whitewater High School Principal Brent Mansky resides, as part of their Homecoming celebration on Sept. 21. They did not have permission to toilet-paper Mansky’s home….Mansky is also the former principal of Williams Bay High School…Mansky was not arrested….However, the incident has been forwarded to the Walworth County District Attorney’s Office for review…The two students were both cited for attempted vandalism and trespassing.”

“…An officer who responded said Mansky reported in the past there’s been ‘kitchen condiments sprayed on his house, beer cans thrown resulting in damage to his siding and now this year toilet paper.’ ”

The Gazette article, which is considerably longer than the above quotes, may be found here.

Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty issued the following statement on behalf of the Whitewater Unified School District on October 27 in response to the media report:

“The Whitewater Unified School District conducted an investigation into the alleged incident
involving Whitewater High School Principal Brent Mansky on September 21 in Williams Bay.

Upon review of all the documentation and statements provided by the Williams Bay Police
Department and the Williams Bay School District, we have been able to confirm that only juveniles were issued citations related to the incident. Mr. Mansky was not cited.

Furthermore, based on the documentation, it is clear that the article published in a recent media
report did not contain all of the facts, important context and information surrounding the incident in question.

Our focus will continue to be on our students and staff. We will continue to give our students the best educational experience. Every Student, Every Day, In a Unified Way.”

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