Winter Graduates from Whitewater at UW-W Listed

WHITEWATER, WI (02/18/2020)– The following students earned degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater at winter commencement on December 21, 2019.

Whitewater, WI, — Jeremy Alexander graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing

Whitewater, WI, — Joseph Bullis graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in physical education

Whitewater, WI, — Connor Calebaugh graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing

Whitewater, WI, — Stephen Carlus graduated with a Bachelor of Science in communication

Whitewater, WI, — Micheal Carter graduated with a Bachelor of Science in sociology

Whitewater, WI, — Lindsay Chase graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in elementary education

Whitewater, WI, — Nicole Christen graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology

Whitewater, WI, — Alex Doud graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in physical education

Whitewater, WI, — Ashley Evans graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Business Administration in human resource management

Whitewater, WI, — Elizabeth Farrey graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in history

Whitewater, WI, — Steffi Farrey graduated with an Associate of Arts and Sciences in liberal arts

Whitewater, WI, — Emmanuella Fox graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in communication

Whitewater, WI, — Luke Francis graduated with a Master of Science in applied economics

Whitewater, WI, — Mckinlee Franke graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting

Whitewater, WI, — Rhiannon Gregoire graduated with a Bachelor of Science in biology

Whitewater, WI, — Kaitlyn Guzman graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communication

Whitewater, WI, — Moises Hernandez graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance

Whitewater, WI, — Alex Hines graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in general management

Whitewater, WI, — Tiffani Johansen graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in elementary education

Whitewater, WI, — David Jones graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in history

Whitewater, WI, — Elliot Klim graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance

Whitewater, WI, — Alec Kretschman graduated with a Bachelor of Music in music

Whitewater, WI, — William Krupa graduated with a Bachelor of Science in biology

Whitewater, WI, — James Kuckkan graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English

Whitewater, WI, — Andrew Lambrecht graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in history

Whitewater, WI, — Joseph Lemerond graduated with an Associate of Arts in liberal arts

Whitewater, WI, — Krystal Leon graduated with an Associate of Arts in liberal arts

Whitewater, WI, — Tyler Mapson graduated with a Bachelor of Science in computer science

Whitewater, WI, — Isaac McCready graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in biology

Whitewater, WI, — Christopher Micklitz graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in general business

Whitewater, WI, — Selena Mixon-Perez graduated with an Associate of Arts in liberal arts

Whitewater, WI, — Olivia Moorhouse graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism

Whitewater, WI, — Alexandra Nelson graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in international business

Whitewater, WI, — Dakota Nufer graduated with a Bachelor of Science in physics

Whitewater, WI, — Jacob Partoll graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting

Whitewater, WI, — Amanda Rados graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in communication sciences and disorders

Whitewater, WI, — Dwayne Redler graduated with an Associate of Arts in liberal arts

Whitewater, WI, — Abdoul-Aziz Savadogo graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology

Whitewater, WI, — Brenna Schultz graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in music

Whitewater, WI, — Evan Seghers graduated with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics

Whitewater, WI, — Merritt Stott graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance

Whitewater, WI, — Shelby Tienor graduated with a Bachelor of Science in political science

Whitewater, WI, — Ian Toutloff graduated with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics

Whitewater, WI, — Lori Vang graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communication

Whitewater, WI, — Colleen Weisbrod graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in physical education

Whitewater, WI, — Carmen Wells graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music in music

Whitewater, WI, — Kayla White graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in political science

Whitewater, WI, — Zachary Wussow graduated with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics

More than 757 graduates crossed the stage at Kachel Fieldhouse. The ceremony recognized 82 undergraduates from the College of Arts and Communication, 226 from the College of Business and Economics, 149 from the College of Education and Professional Studes and 198 from the College of Letters and Sciences. Of the 647 undergraduate degrees awarded, 13 were completed online. The School of Graduate Studies awarded 110 degrees, including 100 master’s degrees and 10 doctorates.

The graduating class included 51 veterans, 13 international students and 147 nontraditional undergraduate students, defined as students who are 25 years of age or older. In addition, 57 self-identified students with disabilities received degrees.

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