Winter emergency preparedness tips provided by Rock County Sheriff’s Office


As we prepare for another Wisconsin winter, this is the perfect time to make sure you have fresh batteries
in the smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and NOAA Weather Radios at home. It’s also
important to make sure you have an emergency kit in your home and vehicles, supplied with nonperishable food, bottled water, blankets, flashlights with extra batteries, vehicle cell phone charger, and a
first aid kit. “While Wisconsin typically experiences most of its winter weather from late November through
April, this season got off to an early start with several parts of the state receiving a late-October blast of
snow,” said Dr. Darrell L. Williams, Wisconsin Emergency Management Administrator. “It’s an important
reminder that winter weather can be unpredictable, so you need to be prepared early on for what Mother
Nature may throw at us.”

According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, an average of 43 people are killed and 4,138
are injured each year in crashes on icy or snow-covered roads in the state. On average, there are about
18,000 vehicle crashes in the state each year caused by poor winter driving conditions.
“During the winter months, it’s important to check current road conditions before you head out,” Williams
said. “Consider cancelling travel plans, if you don’t need to be on the roads. If you can’t avoid driving,
make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle, slow down, and make sure someone knows where
you’re going and that you have arrived safely.”

You can check travel conditions for most major roadways in the state by using 511 Wisconsin, a state
Department of Transportation service updated regularly with the latest traffic and road conditions on
major routes throughout the state. This information, along with live traffic cameras and traffic alerts, can
be accessed through the free 511 Wisconsin mobile app, @511WI on Twitter, or the mobile-friendly
site You may also find updates through local government websites and social media

View ReadyWisconsin’s full Winter Awareness Week information at
Find more tips on getting ready for winter at You can also follow
ReadyWisconsin on Twitter ( and on Facebook
( for daily safety tips and severe weather updates

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