WHS National Honor Society is Hosting a Spring Silent Auction

The National Honor Society at Whitewater High School is hosting a Spring Silent Auction from April 14 – 28 this year!  Projects up for bid are Babysitting, Yard Work, Spring Gardening, Dog Walking, Car Wash, Baking / Catering, Starbucks Coffee Basket, Spring Cleanup Project, Movie Night Basket, Candyland Basket, Walk & Wash Dog Project, Book Gift Basket, and a Rainy Day Basket! 

NHS members will notify their winners the week of May 1 and will complete their projects from May 1 – 22.  Funds raised will be used for local & area scholarships and other worthwhile causes.  People interested in participating can place their bids on the following link to the WHS NHS Website by 3:30 pm on Friday, April 28:


Thank you so much for participating!

Please contact Pam Sonmor-Wintz if you have any questions!

Pamela Sonmor-Wintz, 
Whitewater High School Counselor (M-Z)
Scholarship Coordinator
National Honor Society Advisor

 Whitewater High School
 534 S Elizabeth St  
 Phone:  262.472.8113

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