By Pamela Sonmor-Wintz, School Counselor and National Honor Society Advisor
Whitewater High School

The National Honor Society at Whitewater High School is proud to announce new officers for the 2021-2022 school year! Sophia Walton was elected President, Savannah Hill – Vice President, Nikita Hartzheim – Secretary, and Audrey Mayer – Treasurer! Current President, Carson Ellenwood led the final meeting of the year on May 25 and passed the NHS Gavel to incoming President Walton. Members reflected on accomplishments this year which included the Kindness Matters Program & HOPE Squad presentation, Elementary Book Reading Project, Fall & Spring Silent Auction Projects which helped our school and community, National Student Leadership Week celebrations, 4K Registration, Culver’s Night, recycling ink cartridges, and the creation of a virtual National Honor Society Induction Ceremony in December. NHS Advisor, Pam Sonmor-Wintz, congratulated members on their accomplishments and thanked them for demonstrating outstanding leadership, character, scholarship, and service throughout the year!
The National Honor Society would like to thank the Whitewater McDonald’s Restaurant for donating a delicious breakfast of Egg McMuffins to celebrate a great year of service!