Response to the COVID-19 community impact. The resources below are available for the community during this time.
For Individuals needing help:
o Apply for FoodShare Online or Over the Phone
o Apply for WIC
o Tenant Resource Center: https://www.tenantresourcecenter.org/ or 608-257-0006
o Southern WI: Legal Action of Wisconsin: https://www.legalaction.org/contact-us
o Northern WI: Judicare: http://www.judicare.org/
o FAQ’s for Unemployment Claimants and Employers Link
o Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with COVID-19?
For Families:
o Caregiver Help Desk: 855-227-3640. Read More
o Talking to Kids about Covid-19 Read More
o Mutual Aid groups for seniors More Info
o Employees in need of child care can submit a request for care through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) updated Child Care Finder or proactively view up-to-date availability across the state using the department’s new child care map.
For Anyone:
o Call 800-985-5990 to speak to a trained crisis counselor or text TalkWithUS to 66747.
o Find more resources at Resilient Wisconsin’s page.
Utility Relief Offered to Wisconsinites: Governor Evers has issued an emergency order to suspend several utility-related rules. This has allowed the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to direct regulated utility companies that during this time. Utility companies cannot disconnect utilities for nonpayment, cannot assess late fees, cannot require deposits for reconnection, must allow for deferred payments, and must remove barriers for customer establishing or re-establishing connections. Anyone who has questions on this or is not offered these benefits by their utility companies, is encouraged to contact the PSC at 608.266.5481 or 1.888.816.3831.
COVID-19: RESILIENT WISCONSIN provides information about the pandemic, tips to feel stronger and more connected during the pandemic, support for people in emotional distress or contemplating suicide, and much more.
CHILD CARE FINDER: Essential employees in need of child care can submit a request for care through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) updated Child Care Finder or proactively view up-to-date availability across the state using the department’s new child care map. DCF is working with health care providers, child care centers, community organizations like YMCAs, schools, and other partners to open emergency child care centers for essential workforce families. New centers will be opened as demand for child care increases. DCF has provided guidance and resources for organizations interested in opening child care centers. For any questions regarding this effort, please contact dcfmbcovid19@wisconsin.gov.
NEED HELP PICKING UP GROCERIES OR RUNNING ERRANDS? If you are in the Whitewater area and would like a volunteer to pick up groceries or run errands for you so you can limit exposure, please let Living Word Fellowship know how we can help. You can call us at 262-458-4580 or email information@living-word-fellowship.com. Stay well!”
A week’s worth of meals will be distributed each Monday from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. This includes five breakfasts and five lunches for each child. We will not distribute meals Tuesday through Friday. These meals are available to all children in the community 18 years old and younger. Children do not need to be physically present to receive the meals, but may pick up meals without an adult. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are able to pick-up meal bags for all eligible children in the household. Please practice physical distancing when picking up meals and thorough hand-washing with soap and water before eating the take-home meals. Anyone with a fever or respiratory symptoms should not be picking up meals. When picking up a meal, you will now need to get out of your vehicle. The meals will be placed on a table to maintain social distancing.
– Whitewater High School, in circle drive
– N. Tratt Street, along Garden Apartments
– N. Newcomb Street, along Whitewater Woods
– N. Walton Drive, north of W. Bloomingfield Drive
– N. County Line Road, into Wright’s Mobile Home Park
– Fonda Street, along Washington Elementary
– Lincoln Elementary School
Prepared individual meals will be available for take-out Monday through Friday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., starting on Wednesday, March 18 for community members and UW-Whitewater students. Meals can be picked up at the Prairie Street entrance of First United Methodist Church. This is the same location as Tuesday Free Lunch. Prepackaged, shelf-stable food items are also be available for pickup, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
All are welcome!
145 S. Prairie Street – (262) 473-2131 or churchoffice@fumcwhitewater.org
The Community Space (TCS) is a place where people share food, clothing, furniture, toys and household items for free. TCS also has a Little Free Pantry available 24/7 in the front vestibule. NOTE: Only food is available at this time, except for extenuating circumstances.
834 E. Milwaukee Street – (262) 379-0187 or roberskay@yahoo.com
Additional information.Facebook
Every Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. until the safer at home is lifted, The Black Sheep is providing breakfast, lunch, snacks, dairy products, and local foods to anyone in need. The items are located at their little “Free Food Truck” that is stationed across from “Me and My Pets” in downtown Whitewater. They believe no one should go hungry. Individuals can take what they need while supplies last. If the truck is empty or you have any questions, their phone number is (262) 613-7119 or you may send them a Facebook message.
Respuesta al impacto comunitario de COVID-19. Los recursos a continuación están disponibles para la comunidad durante este tiempo.
vive en el área de Whitewater y desea que un voluntario recoja
alimentos o haga mandados para usted, por favor informe a Living Word
Fellowship cómo podemos ayudarle. Nuestro número de teléfono es
262-458-4580 y nuestra dirección de correo electrónico es
“Querido hermano, oro para que te vaya bien en todos tus asuntos y
goces de buena salud, así como prosperas espiritualmente.” (3 Juan 2)
Las comidas individuales preparadas estarán disponibles para llevar de lunes a viernes de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m., a partir del miércoles 18 de marzo para miembros de la comunidad y estudiantes de UW-Whitewater. Las comidas se pueden recoger en la entrada de Prairie Street de First United Methodist Church. Este es el mismo lugar que el Almuerzo Gratis del Martes.
A partir del lunes 23 de marzo, los alimentos ya empaquetados también estarán disponibles para ser recogidos, de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m.
¡Todos son bienvenidos!
145 S. Prairie Street – (262) 473-2131 o churchoffice@fumcwhitewater.org
El Espacio Comunitario (TCS) es un lugar donde las personas comparten comida, ropa, muebles, juguetes y artículos para el hogar de forma gratuita. TCS también tiene un Little Free Pantry (pequeña despensa de comida) disponible 24/7 en el vestíbulo delantero.
834 E. Milwaukee Street – (262) 379-0187 o roberskay@yahoo.com
A partir del miércoles 18 de marzo y todos los martes a viernes, durante el tiempo que puedan o hasta que las escuelas vuelvan a abrir, puede venir a The Black Sheep entre las 9:30 a.m. y las 10:30 a.m. o entre las 3:30 p.m. a las 9: 00 pm para recibir una comida que puede calentar en casa o una opción de fruta, cereal, yogurt y sándwich. Creemos que nadie debería pasar hambre. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto para informarles con un día de anticipación cuántas comidas necesitará al día siguiente y a qué hora llegará. El número de teléfono es (262) 613-7119 o puede enviarles un mensaje de Facebook.