Alexandria Cady, a Whitewater resident and University of Wisconsin–Whitewater student, received the 2018 LeRoy C. Schmidt 150-Hour Accounting Scholarship in the amount of $2,500, awarded by the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants (WICPA) Educational Foundation Inc. Cady is a fifth-year accounting major at UW–Whitewater.
The scholarship, named after former WICPA Executive Director LeRoy C. Schmidt, CPA, helps fund the 150-hour education requirement to obtain a CPA license. Students must complete 150 hours of post-secondary education including an undergraduate degree plus additional hours or a master’s degree.
Nineteen students received scholarships. Recipients were selected by the Foundation’s Scholarship Selection Committee based on academic achievement, community service, personal statement and recommendation letters.
The WICPA is the premier professional organization for certified public accountants and other finance and business professionals in Wisconsin, with 7,300 members working in public accounting, industry, government, and education.