(Whitewater Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Whitewater Press Release) In February, the Whitewater Marketing Alliance, a collaborative group whose goal is promote Whitewater as a place to live, learn, work and play, prepared a survey to begin to find out how residents of Whitewater feel about their community. The survey asked for one-word answers to the question “Whitewater is….”
The results of the survey, which received nearly 150 responses, can be seen in this graphic, commonly called a word cloud. Words that were used fewer than five times were not included in the graphic. Top responses include UW-Whitewater, community, home, small, quaint and friendly.
This sign can be downloaded, printed and displayed as a way to show pride in and support for Whitewater. Here is a link to word cloud: https://www.downtownwhitewater.com/whitewater-is-word-cloud
The Whitewater Marketing Council includes representatives from the City of Whitewater, Downtown Whitewater, the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce, the Whitewater Unified School District, UW-Whitewater, and the Greater Whitewater Committee.