Whitewater Lions Club Donates to Lakeview Elementary’s Lakeview Loves Program

(Lakeview Elementary School submission) The Whitewater Lions Club presented Lakeview Elementary’s Lakeview Loves program with a check from an online Facebook Fundraiser hosted by Lion Don McComb.  The Whitewater Lions Club has been a big supporter of Lakeview Loves, a free weekend food-in-a-backpack program offered to all Lakeview students.  Due to limitations and restriction of visitors to school buildings during the COVID pandemic, the Lions are also helping to store food and have been packing bags at the clubhouse.  THANK YOU to the Lions Club for their dedication to fighting hunger in our local community!  From Lakeview Loves, “Together our community is doing an amazing job at keeping our Lakeview students fed and ready to learn!”

Pictured: Lion Sue Patnaude, Lion Don McComb, Summer Markham Lakeview Loves, Lions Steve and Judy Malone

For more information or to donate to Lakeview Loves, please contact Lakeview Elementary at 262-472-8400.  For more information on the Whitewater Lions Club, please call (262) 391-3421.  Please check out both groups on Facebook! 

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