Whitewater Kiwanis Honors Two High School Students

(Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club submission)  On Thursday, May 13, Steve Ryan and Jean Bromley, of the Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club, presented certificates of recognition and $100 to each of the following students for their excellence at Whitewater High School:  Carson Ellenwood and Jonathon Magaña. Seniors Jonathan Magaña and Carson Ellenwood were nominated by staff for their outstanding character and leadership this year. This award acknowledges students who have gone above and beyond in the school in various ways.

Pictured left to right are: Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club President Jean Bromley, Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty, Jonathan Magaña, Carson Ellenwood, Kiwanis Member and School Board Member Steve Ryan, and Principal Mike Lovenberg.

Jonathan Magaña is an outstanding student leader. He leads with kindness and by doing what is right. He’s active in sports and clubs. He serves as a Lead Dog and although the year’s ups and downs have made this role difficult, Jonathan can be seen acting kind to all students and serving as a role model. Jonathan is never short of encouraging words for his peers in class. He demonstrates kindness and respect at all times. He knows the importance of doing his best and tries to bring out the best in those around him even making efforts to make sure some of his friends have rides to school. Jonathan is a brave advocate for others and never shies away from sharing his support of fellow students or standing up for them in a positive way. Jonathan Magaña has been a positive, contributing member of the school community and he is the epitome of TheWhippetWay.

Carson Ellenwood opted to remain fully virtual as a JEDI student this year, but he continued to fully engage with WHS and demonstrated strong leadership as part of both the robotics team and NHS. Carson is one of the kindest, most mature, and most responsible students we have. He took the lead in communicating with the elementary schools and virtually mentored the LEGO League teams at two buildings. Carson was an integral part of the Ferradermis administrative team, taking the lead on the execution of all Robotics Week activities, including the Penny War to raise funds for the Kiwanis for accessible playground equipment. He put in dozens of hours in Google Meets and on his own time, working on the virtual submissions for multiple robotics competitions, always fully supporting his teammates and making sure that everyone’s ideas were valued and included. When something needs to get done, Carson will see it through and make it happen.

This award was developed by the late Dr. Patrick Brooks, who believed in recognizing student achievement.  He strongly felt that there were many students who were doing fantastic work without recognition.  He wanted to be able to give that recognition, and was the inspiration behind this award. 

The Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club is made up of dedicated volunteers who help children in the Whitewater community and the world, all with 100 percent of funds raised going directly to projects helping improve the lives of children in the community.  Each year the club distributes approximately $20,000, with over half going to the Whitewater Unified School District, including scholarships. Kiwanis helped to build and maintain the Flowing Well Shelter, the shelter and accessible playground at Starin Park and Treyton’s Field of Dreams, the WHS football field lights and press box, as well as adopting a highway to clean up.  In addition, the group donates to the Whitewater Youth Soccer Club, the Friends of the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center Family Partnership Fund, the Whitewater Food Pantry, Bethel House and more. More information can be found on the Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club Facebook page.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world
one child and one community at a time.

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