Whitewater (Whitewater High School Press Release) The National Honor Society at Whitewater High School is proud to announce their new officers for the 2020-2021 school year! Carson Ellenwood was elected President and said, “I am deeply honored to be the next President of the National Honor Society at WHS. Throughout this next year, I hope to put an emphasis on building a better, more mentally healthy community at WHS.” Carson has been an outstanding student leader spreading positivity and a sense of community at WHS and helping others achieve academic success in the after school tutorial program. Catherine Skindingsrude was elected Vice President and said, “As Vice President, I will do my best to help everyone feel included and have their opinions heard. I hope to make the National Honor Society a fun & welcoming club to join!” Catherine has been an outstanding student leader at WHS and has been on the high honor roll her entire high school career. Jenna Caldwell was elected Secretary of NHS and said, “Serving as Secretary next year I hope to increase our involvement in our elementary schools and elderly community. We will continue fundraising to aid families living in poverty and work to benefit our community in any way we can.” Jenna has also been an outstanding leader and role model for her peers at WHS and is very proud to serve as an officer in the coming year. Kacie Carollo was elected Treasurer of NHS and shared, “I am so excited to have been given this opportunity to work with my fellow officers to encourage a sense of community within the school and organize new exciting events!” Kacie has been a three sport varsity athlete, a high honor roll student throughout her high school career and co-president of the WHS Student Council. Congratulations new officers & best wishes for a successful year leading the National Honor Society!! Selection of new junior & senior members will begin in September. Please see the WHS National Honor Society website for information regarding the selection process and requirements for membership! NHS Senior Members inducted in December 2019: Reilly Aschenbrener, Grace Black, Lydia Bols, Jenna Caldwell, Kacie Carollo, David Cushman, Carson Ellenwood, Elizabeth Katzman, Kiyla Kopecky, Leiha Kuhnke, Cora Linos, Hannah O’Brien, Jazmine Peterson, Catherine Skindingsrude, Ella Smith, Amanda Tovar, Diego Tovar, Carter Waelchli, Abigail Wildenberg, Abigail Weeden, and Trenton Zahn. |