Whitewater Girls Basketball Team 52 Big Foot 54

Abby Grosinske

Kacie Carollo

Pictures by Peter Mischka courtesy of Bob Mischka – for extensive picture gallery CLICK HERE

(Coach Judy Harms) “Big Foot hits 2 free throws with 1.8 seconds remaining to pull out a win at Whitewater tonight. The Chiefs hit 18 of 23 free throws overall, 16 of the 18 were in the second half, including the winning shots from Courtney Schoenbeck. Whippets were trying to juggle positions with both Miranda Reynolds and Jaden Henneman on the bench after fouling out. In the end that really hurt our execution during crunch time, along with a poor night rebounding. Whippets had three scorers in double figures, Abby Grosinske 13, Kacie Carollo 11, and Miranda Reynolds 10.”

Whitewater score by Halves: 25-27=52
Big Foot by Halves: 20-34=54

JV1 – BF won JV2 – WW won

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