Whitewater Community Food Pantry Blessed with Generosity

The Whitewater Community Food Pantry has been very blessed with the generosity of so many individuals and organizations. This made it possible for us to be very generous with our patrons.

The Whitewater High School and Middle School students collected 1300 lbs. of food with their Homecoming Food Drive. Beth Babcock, the “Stuff The Bus” coordinator, accompanied the students October 14th to drop off the food donation at the Whitewater pantry.

Monday, October 14th, through October 18th, the FFA and elementary school students collected food as well for the Stuff The Bus event.

October 21st, the Nelson stuffed bus delivered to the pantry 6,507 lbs. of food, and Beth Babcock presented a monetary donation of $7,212.00 collected through the generosity of many Whitewater citizens. We are very grateful to Beth for all her work in putting on this yearly event and to Dave Nelson for providing the Nelson Bus.

Also this past October, Festival Foods donated $1,000.00 worth of food for Thanksgiving.

November 10th, the Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, and Alpha Sigma Fraternity donated 1400 lbs. of food and $824.10 from their Fall 2019 Food Drive.

St. John’s Masonic Lodge brought in 70 cases of canned vegetables.

The Stone School 4H Club and the Katzman Family held a fundraiser to purchase 150 fruit pies to give to the Whitewater Community Food Pantry patrons to go along with their Thanksgiving meal.

December 12th, Stuff The Squad Car organized by the Whitewater Police Officers collected over 1200 lbs. of food.

Maclean Fogg donated 18(20 lb.) turkeys.

Large donations came in from the Congregational Church. The Congregational United Church of Christ collected ‘Gift-of-Love-Bags’ to be given to our pantry for Thanksgiving. Richmond Methodist Church, St. John’s Church, and St. Patrick Catholic Church, and several other churches and individuals, too numerous to mention, also brought generous Holiday donations.

Derek Harvey, a young man from Waterford, and his mother collected 2 large cart fulls of groceries for the pantry.

Dardan Agushi, a young Whitewater University graduate bought 12 bags of groceries for The Whitewater Community Food Pantry. He was so happy to be able to make this donation to the pantry.

We wish to thank the Whitewater Community and Walmart for their support and generosity.    

The pantry will be open January 2, 2020, from 8:30 to 12:00 noon. Being the New Year, everyone needs to bring identification for all family members and a current address.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Submitted by Pat Chaput and Barbara Quast, Managers of The Whitewater Community Food Pantry

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