Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Council Welcome Executive Director Kellie Carper

WHITEWATER, WIS (Discover Whitewater Press Release) – The Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Council are thrilled to welcome their new Executive Director, Kellie Carper.

Kellie brings to the Discover Whitewater collective a passion for building relationships and actively serving the communities she calls home. She grew up in the Geneva Lakes area living in Fontana and Lake Geneva as a youth. She happily returned to the area with her family in 2004 and has been a resident of Walworth County for over 15 years, raising her children in Lake Geneva. Her daughter is a student at UWW and her son will be following his sister’s footsteps to campus in the next few years. Kellie joins the Whitewater community with a background in hospitality, higher education, and small business management. She enjoys being a tourist in her own state, exploring all that it has to offer. Kellie looks forward to supporting the business community in Whitewater, fostering collaboration and growth, and creating engaging opportunities for visitors and locals alike to enjoy its rich history and friendly culture.

With our new director firmly in place we are also happy to announce that the Discover Whitewater office in downtown Whitewater will be open again. Due to continuing health concerns we are opening with reduced hours, Monday through Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. However, we will continue to monitor the climate and adjust our hours accordingly. Kellie would welcome the opportunity to share information about Discover Whitewater’s operation and all it can offer the local businesses and community. If you are already a Chamber member please stop by to say hi and talk about how we can serve you better. If you are still deciding about joining the Chamber, Kellie would love to talk about how we can partner with you for success! If you have information to share with the community and our visitors, please be sure to send it our way.

Discover Whitewater is excited for our future and the future of Whitewater!

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