Whitewater 8th Grade Students Invited to Write an Essay; Awards to be Given by Kiwanis

The Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club is sponsoring a writing project during this spring’s home-based schooling. It is designed for current Whitewater 8th grade students only, and consists of two parts, complete either or both: 1] A short story of 500 words or less on any subject and 2] An essay on the person influencing me the most, also up to 350 words. Both can be sent via an e-mail attachment and each will be read and evaluated by at least three Kiwanians. Do not identify a person in the body of the work; use a pseudonym. Your work will be read without your identification to eliminate bias. Include your name, address and phone number. Readers will be evaluating content, originality and a completeness of thought.

Submit by May 29; reading to be done by June 19 with awards made the week of June 22, 2020. Awards are: First place $50.00, second place $20.00, third place a Kiwanis certificate.

For any questions call 262-473-6710. Send your e-mail and attachment[s] to ajnuhous@gmail.com

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