City Manager Withdraws from Salem Lakes Candidacy: “…I am eager to get back to work.”

Editor’s note: The following announcement was provided by John Weidl on October 11.

Dear Whitewater Community,

I trust this message finds you in good health and spirits.

Recently, I explored a professional opportunity in Salem Lakes, WI, making it to the final rounds of consideration. However, the overwhelming support I received from you – including residents, elected officials, staff, committee members, business owners, and other developers still looking to start projects in Whitewater – has profoundly influenced my decision to withdraw my candidacy and continue serving as your City Manager in Whitewater.

Your encouragement and the collective achievements we’ve celebrated in affordable housing policy, Fire and EMS response times, staff recruitment and retention, and strategic planning have not only positively impacted our community but have also deeply affected me as a public servant.

I am invigorated by the recent renewed public participation in local government and the support for our staff and Strategic Plan. Rest assured, my dedication to advancing single family-style housing, commercial development, enhancing communication, supporting our local businesses, refining recruitment and retention strategies, and prudent management of our resources remains steadfast.

Whitewater’s encouragement, support, and vibrant, community-focused spirit are truly inspiring. Together, let’s continue to forge a path of growth and success for our beloved City of Whitewater.

With heartfelt gratitude, I am eager to get back to work.


John S. Weidl

City Manager, City of Whitewater

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