Washington Elementary Creates Domino Chain to Celebrate Successful Boxed Food Collection

Washington Student Council

Editor’s note: The following announcement was received from Tom Grosinske, Washington School Principal.

The Student Council at Washington Elementary held a boxed food collection at the beginning of February for the Whitewater Food Pantry. The goal of the food drive was to collect enough boxed food items to create a domino chain throughout the hallways. On Wednesday, February 14th, the boxed food items were set up in the main hallway of Washington. The boxed food items chained their way through the kindergarten hallway, past the office, down the stairs past first grade, and ended in the second grade hallway. The entire school lined the hallways to cheer on the boxed food domino chain! Mr. G pushed over the first box, which started the domino effect. Along the way, some items didn’t quite push over the box in front of them, but with the help of some student council members, the chain effect continued throughout the hallway. The boxed food drive was a success! 

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