(Walworth County Public Health submission) Walworth County Division of Public Health has opened vaccine registration for additional future eligible groups for COVID-19 vaccination via a form on the county website. These populations will tentatively be eligible to begin to receive vaccination on March 1, 2021 dependent on vaccine supply. The eligible groups that can begin registering include:
- Education and child care staff
- Individuals enrolled in Medicaid Long-Term Care programs
- 911 operators
- Utility and communications infrastructure workers
- Public transit workers
- Food supply chain workers
- Non-frontline health care personnel
- Staff and residents in congregate living settings
- Mink husbandry workers
For details and a complete list of vaccine eligible groups, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services Vaccine Eligibility Page and the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee guidance on Phase 1b. Although vaccine eligibility has further expanded, individuals who previously met eligibility criteria and have not yet received a vaccine are still eligible to be vaccinated.
Due to a nationwide vaccine shortage, vaccinations will likely take several weeks or months. There are a significantly large number of people included in the eligible groups and vaccine availability remains limited. Not everyone in these groups will be able to be vaccinated immediately.
Vaccination is not currently open to all public facing essential workers or the general public. The Public Health Division asks that those outside of the current eligible categories refrain from using these forms to register.
There is no fee associated with COVID-19 vaccination and no one will contact you to collect credit card information or seek payment.