WHITEWATER, WI (UW-Whitewater Press Release)– The following local students at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater completed the Professional Development Program offered by the College of Business and Economics.
– Whitewater, WI: Demetrius Barnes, majoring in Accounting.
– Whitewater, WI: Kara Bennett, majoring in economics.
– Whitewater, WI: Kelly Mandry, majoring in Supply Chain and Operations Management.
– Whitewater, WI: Joyce Mendoza, majoring in accounting.
– Whitewater, WI: Nicole Zajakowski, majoring in marketing.
A total of 57 business majors completed the program, which has been designed to help ensure undergraduate business majors graduate with the career readiness competencies that employers value. The experience includes a series of co-curricular activities that build communication, critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, digital technology, intercultural fluency and career management skills.