Statement from UW-Whitewater Chancellor Dwight C. Watson on Governor Evers’ budget address
“When Wisconsin invests in its public universities, the dividends are outstanding. UW-Whitewater alone accounts for more than a half-billion dollars in annual economic impact in our region, supporting more than 4,400 jobs. We provide an exceptional academic experience for students while keeping costs affordable. In addition, our role as a COVID-19 testing center shows that our service mission to the community has never been stronger. On behalf of the Warhawk family, I’d like to extend thanks to Governor Evers for this budget proposal, which represents not only an investment in higher education, but an investment in Wisconsin’s future.”
UW System President Tommy Thompson statement on Gov. Evers’ budget proposal
MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson issued this statement today
on Gov. Tony Evers’ budget proposal:
“Governor Evers’ budget for the UW System will allow us to tackle some of Wisconsin’s most pressing
challenges: expanding online education to meet market demands, tackling prison recidivism to save
taxpayer money, leveraging our freshwater resources for economic and environmental gain, expanding
opportunity for our neediest students. The budget shows that the Governor recognizes the value we can
deliver to all Wisconsinites, as we have during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where there is a problem, the UW
wants to help – and the Governor’s budget will allow us to do just that on some of Wisconsin’s toughest
problems. We look forward to working with the legislature to deliver a positive budget for UW.”