On May 6 the UW-W Chancellor and Cabinet members provided an update regarding COVID-19 related matters. Some highlights:
- Chancellor Dwight C. Watson indicated that he is “brutally optimistic” regarding the fall.
- It is not yet known whether fall classes will be able to be held on campus. A decision date has not been set. Most if not all summer classes will be held online.
- Scenario planning is taking place in conjunction with the System.
- Before the COVID-19 concerns, student applications for the Whitewater campus were up 4% compared with last year, and Rock was ahead by 30%. Now the SOAR (orientation) event registration is 5% behind last year. Housing applications, however, at 3709, are ahead of last year by 180.
- UW-W has been awarded $8.2 million by the CARES funding. $4.1 million of that amount is designated for students.
- Artanya Wesley, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, indicated that 68 of the 200 employees in her division are on a 3-month furlough. 99 students are still living in the residence halls, and another 56 students have not been able to retrieve their belongings. 88 students/staff are still on meal plans.
- The Child Care Center will soon be reopening for the summer.
- COVID-19 revenue losses and increased expenses total $10.2 million. After negotation with vendors, the shortfall is $7.74 million. State funding is being reduced by 5% = $2.15 million.
- Behavioral Health counselors are available to provide telehealth services to students.
- Greg Rutzen, Vice Chancellor for Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement, reported on Founders Day / Warhawk Day of Caring on April 21. $24,000 was donated to the Warhawk Emergency Fund, which now has a balance of over $100,000 to be used to help students who have urgent needs. Over a hundred messages were received from alumni and other supporters. You may visit this site to enjoy seeing them.
- The university is being guided by the Badger Bounce Back Plan as well as the Resocialization Plan of the NCAA.
- In response to a student question, if classes are conducted online in the fall it is not anticipated that there would be a reduction in in-state tuition; however, there is a possibility of a concession for out-of-state tuition.